Premier League Discipline 1992-93

Welcome to the the Premier League’s inaugural season, 1992-93! This was the year when the beautiful game took a bold leap into the future, breaking away from the old Football League to form a new, more exciting competition. But with great power comes great responsibility, and the players were no exception. This page, “Premier League Discipline 1992-93”, is your time machine back to those heady days, where we’ll explore the grittier side of the game. We’ll delve into the drama of red cards, the sting of yellow cards, and the players who were more familiar with the referee’s book than the back of the net. From Cantona’s high kicks to Vinnie Jones’ hard tackles, we’ve got it all. So, lace up your boots, adjust your shin guards, and get ready for a wild ride through the rough and tumble of the Premier League’s first season. It’s not just about the goals, it’s about the game!

Brian McAllisterWimbledon2
Neville SouthallEverton2
Mickey AdamsSouthampton1
Chris ArmstrongCrystal Palace1
Francis BenaliSouthampton1
Carl BradshawSheffield Utd1
Tony CascarinoChelsea1
Gary CharlesNottm Forest1
Gerry DobbsWimbledon1
Tony DobsonBlackburn1
Willie FalconerMiddlesbrough1
John FashanuWimbledon1
Craig ForrestIpswich Town1
Glyn HodgesSheffield Utd1
Terry HurlockSouthampton1
Don HutchisonLiverpool1
David JamesWimbledon1
Vinnie JonesEverton1
Alan KernaghanSouthampton1
Mike NewellCrystal Palace1
Niall QuinnSouthampton1
Mick QuinnSheffield Utd1
Jamie RedknappChelsea1
Paul RideoutNottm Forest1
Neil RuddockWimbledon1
Nigel WorthingtonSheffield Wed1
Sheffield United4Sheffield United50
Blackburn Rovers2Manchester City43
Crystal Palace2Blackburn Rovers38
Ipswich Town2Arsenal37
Liverpool2Leeds United37
Middlesbrough2Oldham Athletic37
Nottingham Forest2Tottenham37
Sheffield Wed1Man Utd35
Aston Villa0Queens Park R34
Coventry City0Ipswich Town33
Leeds United0Nottingham Forest33
Man Utd0Sheffield Wed31
Manchester City0Crystal Palace29
Norwich City0Coventry City28
Oldham Athletic0Everton28
Queens Park R0Norwich City22
Tottenham0Aston Villa21
Iain DowieSouthampton9John FashanuWimbledon2
Vinnie JonesWimbledon9Darren FergusonMan Utd2
Brian McAllisterWimbledon8Robert FleckChelsea2
Jamie PollockMiddlesbrough8Craig FlemingOldham2
Neil RuddockTottenham8Curtis FlemingMiddlesbrough2
Lawrie SanchezWimbledon8Kevin GageSheffield Utd2
Dennis WiseChelsea8Kevin GallacherBlackburn2
Les FerdinandQPR7Perry GrovesSouthampton2
Mark HughesMan Utd7Charlie HartfieldSheffield Utd2
Richard JobsonOldham7John HendrieMiddlesbrough2
Roy KeaneNottm Forest7David HirstSheffield Wed2
Steve McMahonManchester City7Dean HoldsworthWimbledon2
Andy PeakeMiddlesbrough7Ian HollowayQPR2
Fitzroy SimpsonManchester City7Lee HurstCoventry City2
Shaun TealeAston Villa7David JamesLiverpool2
Eric YoungCrystal Palace7Gavin JohnsonIpswich Town2
Gary AblettEverton6Chris KamaraMiddlesbrough2
Carl BradshawSheffield Utd6Michael LakeSheffield Utd2
Steve BruceMan Utd6Graeme Le SauxBlackburn2
Brian DeaneSheffield Utd6Nigel MartynCrystal Palace2
Gareth HallChelsea6Gary MegsonNorwich City2
Colin HendryBlackburn6Paul MersonArsenal2
Terry HurlockSouthampton6Simon MiltonIpswich Town2
David MayBlackburn6Mike NewellBlackburn2
Robert RosarioNottm Forest6Robert NewmanNorwich City2
Ian SnodinEverton6Jon NewsomeLeeds United2
Carl TilerNottm Forest6Ian OlneyOldham2
Phil WhelanIpswich Town6Torben PiechnikLiverpool2
Chris WhyteLeeds United6John PolstonNorwich City2
Mickey AdamsSouthampton5Niall QuinnManchester City2
Dean AustinTottenham5Bryan RobsonMan Utd2
David BattyLeeds United5Paul RogersSheffield Utd2
Francis BenaliSouthampton5Dean SaundersAston Villa2
Steve BouldArsenal5John ScalesWimbledon2
Eric CantonaMan Utd5Steve SedgleyTottenham2
Keith CurleManchester City5Ian SelleyArsenal2
Jeremy GossNorwich City5John SheridanSheffield Wed2
Mick HarfordChelsea5Lee SinnottCrystal Palace2
Glyn HodgesSheffield Utd5Andy SintonQPR2
John JensenArsenal5Steve StauntonAston Villa2
Matt Le TissierSouthampton5Simon StewartSheffield Wed2
Alan McDonaldQPR5Mark WardEverton2
Nicky MohanMiddlesbrough5John WarkIpswich Town2
Darren PeacockQPR5Roy WegerleCoventry City2
Terry PhelanManchester City5Jason WilcoxBlackburn2
Mick QuinnCoventry City5Ray WilkinsQPR2
Vincent SamwaysTottenham5Ian WoanNottm Forest2
Frank SinclairChelsea5Bradley AllenQPR1
Chris SuttonNorwich City5Patrik AnderssonBlackburn1
Andy ThornCrystal Palace5Steve AnthrobusWimbledon1
John WilliamsCoventry City5Mark AtkinsBlackburn1
Ian WrightArsenal5Dalian AtkinsonAston Villa1
Tony AdamsArsenal4Phil BabbCoventry City1
Paul BeesleySheffield Utd4Gary BannisterNottm Forest1
David BurrowsLiverpool4Andy BarlowOldham1
Lee DixonArsenal4Dave BeasantChelsea1
Gerry DobbsWimbledon4Darren BeckfordOldham1
Robbie EarleWimbledon4Stig Inge BjornebyeLiverpool1
Richard HallSouthampton4Brian BorrowsCoventry City1
Don HutchisonLiverpool4Vlado BozinoskiIpswich Town1
Paul InceMan Utd4Ian ButterworthNorwich City1
Brian LawsNottm Forest4Franz CarrSheffield Utd1
David LinighanIpswich Town4Andy ClarkeWimbledon1
Adrian LittlejohnSheffield Utd4Chris ColemanCrystal Palace1
Eddie McGoldrickCrystal Palace4Tom CowanSheffield Utd1
Lloyd McGrathCoventry City4Gordon CowansBlackburn1
Ken MonkouSouthampton4Neil CoxAston Villa1
Kevin MoranBlackburn4Ian CulverhouseNorwich City1
Gary PallisterMan Utd4Jason CundyTottenham1
Carlton PalmerSheffield Wed4Jason DoddSouthampton1
Andy PearceCoventry City4Tony DorigoLeeds United1
John PembertonSheffield Utd4Dion DublinMan Utd1
Ian RushLiverpool4Paul ElliottChelsea1
Tim SherwoodBlackburn4Willie FalconerMiddlesbrough1
Michel VonkManchester City4Scott B FitzgeraldWimbledon1
Rod WallaceLeeds United4Tim FlowersSouthampton1
Mark WaltersLiverpool4Scot GemmillNottm Forest1
Dave WatsonEverton4Terry GibsonWimbledon1
Eddie YoudsIpswich Town4Ryan GiggsMan Utd1
Viv AndersonSheffield Wed3Bryan GunnNorwich City1
Chris ArmstrongCrystal Palace3John HarkesSheffield Wed1
Peter AthertonCoventry City3David HillierArsenal1
David BardsleyQPR3Steve HodgeLeeds United1
David BarnesSheffield Utd3Ray HoughtonAston Villa1
Earl BarrettAston Villa3David HowellsTottenham1
Mark BrennanOldham3John HumphreyCrystal Palace1
Mark BrightSheffield Wed3Andrew ImpeyQPR1
Tony CotteeEverton3Erland JohnsenChelsea1
Jason DozzellIpswich Town3Ryan JonesSheffield Wed1
Gordon DurieTottenham3Rob JonesLiverpool1
Gary ElkinsWimbledon3Roger JosephWimbledon1
Garry FlitcroftManchester City3Graham KavanaghMiddlesbrough1
Brian GayleSheffield Utd3Billy KennyEverton1
Jon GittensMiddlesbrough3Martin KeownArsenal1
Andy GrayTottenham3Alan KernaghanMiddlesbrough1
Gunnar HalleOldham3Phil KingSheffield Wed1
Nick HenryOldham3David LeeChelsea1
Rick HoldenManchester City3Anders LimparArsenal1
Barry HorneEverton3John LukicLeeds United1
Graham HydeSheffield Wed3Danny MaddixQPR1
Chris KiwomyaIpswich Town3Nick MarkerBlackburn1
Ian MarshallOldham3Mike MarshLiverpool1
Mike MilliganOldham3Paul McGrathAston Villa1
Kevin MooreSouthampton3Michael MeakerQPR1
Chris MorrisMiddlesbrough3Paul MillerWimbledon1
Ray ParlourArsenal3Paul MoodySouthampton1
Jimmy PhillipsMiddlesbrough3Robbie MustoeMiddlesbrough1
Neil PointonOldham3Stuart NethercottTottenham1
Ray RansonManchester City3Eddie NewtonChelsea1
Jamie RedknappLiverpool3Steve NicolLiverpool1
Steve RedmondOldham3Thorvaldur OrlygssonNottm Forest1
Kevin RichardsonAston Villa3Stuart PearceNottm Forest1
Alan ShearerBlackburn3Ian PearceChelsea1
Gary SpeedLeeds United3Steve PearsMiddlesbrough1
Paul StewartLiverpool3Gary PenriceQPR1
Gordon StrachanLeeds United3Mike PhelanMan Utd1
Frank StrandliLeeds United3Lee PowerNorwich City1
Graham StuartChelsea3Peter ReidManchester City1
Geoff ThomasCrystal Palace3David RennieCoventry City1
Andy TownsendChelsea3Stuart RipleyBlackburn1
Pat Van Den HauweTottenham3Andy RitchieOldham1
Mitch WardSheffield Utd3Mark RobinsNorwich City1
Paul WarhurstSheffield Wed3David RocastleLeeds United1
David WetherallLeeds United3David SeamanArsenal1
Thomas WiddringtonSouthampton3Teddy SheringhamTottenham1
Paul WilkinsonMiddlesbrough3Peter ShirtliffSheffield Wed1
Geraint WilliamsIpswich Town3Bernie SlavenMiddlesbrough1
Nigel WinterburnArsenal3David SmithNorwich City1
Nigel WorthingtonSheffield Wed3Neville SouthallEverton1
Mark WrightLiverpool3David SpeedieSouthampton1
Neil AdamsOldham2John SpencerChelsea1
Paul AllenTottenham2Mick StockwellIpswich Town1
Neal ArdleyWimbledon2Steve StoneNottm Forest1
Simon BarkerQPR2Simon TraceySheffield Utd1
Warren BartonWimbledon2Ronnie WhelanLiverpool1
Peter BeagrieEverton2David WhiteManchester City1
Clayton BlackmoreMan Utd2Devon WhiteQPR1
Lee ChapmanLeeds United2Dane WhitehouseSheffield Utd1
Nigel CloughNottm Forest2Steve WhittonIpswich Town1
Glenn CockerillSouthampton2Derek WhyteMiddlesbrough1
Tony CotonManchester City2Brett WilliamsNottm Forest1
Tony DobsonBlackburn2Paul WilliamsCrystal Palace1
Justin EdinburghTottenham2Danny WilsonSheffield Wed1
Chris FaircloughLeeds United2Chris WoodsSheffield Wed1
Frank YallopIpswich Town1
Total Yellow Cards Season 1992-93 | 795

The Premier League 1992-93 Season: A Year of Discipline

The 1992-93 season of the Premier League was a memorable one for many reasons. Not only was it the inaugural season of the Premier League, but it was also a season that saw a significant number of disciplinary actions. The referees were kept busy, with a total of 35 red cards and a whopping 795 yellow cards issued throughout the season.

Red Cards Galore

During the 1992-93 season, a total of 33 players were shown the red card, resulting in 35 dismissals. This was a significant number, considering it was the first season of the Premier League. The red card, a symbol of serious foul play or misconduct, was brandished quite frequently, making it a season to remember for the disciplinary actions taken.

Yellow Cards in Abundance

Yellow cards, a warning sign for players, were also handed out generously during this season. A staggering 795 yellow cards were issued to 289 players. This high number of cautions is a testament to the competitive nature of the games and the passion with which the players played.

Discipline by Clubs

Disciplinary actions were not limited to individual players. The clubs themselves also had their fair share of red and yellow cards. The statistics for each club’s disciplinary record provide an interesting insight into the level of discipline maintained by the teams during the season.

It’s fascinating to delve into the disciplinary records of the Premier League’s inaugural season. The number of red and yellow cards issued paints a picture of a fiercely competitive season, with players and teams pushing the boundaries of the rules in their quest for victory. As we look back on this historic season, we can appreciate the passion, intensity, and, yes, the discipline that has helped shape the Premier League into the world-class competition it is today.

So, whether you’re a football enthusiast, a statistician, or just a curious reader, exploring the disciplinary records of the Premier League’s 1992-93 season offers a unique perspective on the game we all love.

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