Premier League Discipline 1993-94

Welcome to the wild and woolly world of the 1993-94 Premier League season! A season that was as much about the drama off the ball as it was about the spectacular goals on it. This was a year when the beautiful game was painted with broad strokes of controversy, passion, and, yes, discipline. From the red cards that left teams scrambling, to the fines that had managers pulling their hair out, the 1993-94 season was a masterclass in football discipline. It was a season that saw the likes of Cantona, Keane, and Vieira making headlines not just for their sublime skills, but also for their fiery tempers. So, lace up your boots, adjust your shin guards, and get ready to dive into the tumultuous sea of the Premier League’s disciplinary records. We’re about to embark on a journey back to a time when football was as much about grit and determination as it was about finesse and flair. Welcome to the Premier League Discipline 1993-94. It’s going to be a thrilling ride!

Eric CantonaMan Utd4
Chris MakinOldham2
Lee PowerNorwich City2
Simon TraceySheffield Utd2
Simon BarkerQPR1
Francis BenaliSouthampton1
Jeroen BoereWest Ham Utd1
Carl BradshawSheffield Utd1
Colin CalderwoodTottenham1
Alan CorkSheffield Utd1
Les FerdinandQPR1
Bryan GunnNorwich City1
Rick HoldenOldham1
Rob JonesLiverpool1
David LeeChelsea1
Andy MutchSwindon Town1
Luc NijholtSwindon Town1
Carlton PalmerSheffield Wed1
Andy PearceSheffield Wed1
John PolstonNorwich City1
Karl ReadyQPR1
David SeamanArsenal1
Graeme SharpOldham1
Nigel SpinkAston Villa1
Pavel SrnicekNewcastle1
David TuttleSheffield Utd1
Dennis WiseChelsea1
TotalSeason 1993-9433
Sheffield United5Southampton44
Man Utd4Sheffield United43
Norwich City4Leeds United38
Oldham Athletic4Swindon Town38
Queens Park R3Wimbledon36
Sheffield Wed2Manchester City33
Swindon Town2Liverpool32
Arsenal1Oldham Athletic32
Aston Villa1Man Utd31
Liverpool1Blackburn Rovers30
West Ham United1Norwich City27
Blackburn Rovers0Queens Park R27
Coventry City0Ipswich Town25
Ipswich Town0West Ham United24
Leeds United0Aston Villa22
Manchester City0Sheffield Wed21
Wimbledon0Coventry City14
Dane WhitehouseSheffield Utd9Steve PalmerIpswich Town2
Iain DowieSouthampton8Gavin PeacockChelsea2
Vinnie JonesWimbledon8Andy PearceSheffield Wed2
John EbbrellEverton7Stuart RipleyBlackburn2
Vincent SamwaysTottenham7Mark RobinsonNewcastle2
Roy KeaneMan Utd6Keith RowlandWest Ham Utd2
Graeme Le SauxBlackburn6Ian RushLiverpool2
Jon NewsomeLeeds United6Alan ShearerBlackburn2
John PembertonLeeds United6Teddy SheringhamTottenham2
Steve RedmondOldham6John SpencerChelsea2
Neil RuddockLiverpool6Steve StauntonAston Villa2
Frank SinclairChelsea6Paul StewartLiverpool2
Michel VonkManchester City6Rod WallaceLeeds United2
Ian WrightArsenal6Mitch WardSheffield Utd2
Paul AllenSouthampton5Gordon WatsonSheffield Wed2
Simon BarkerQPR5Devon WhiteQPR2
Warren BartonWimbledon5David WhiteLeeds United2
Justin EdinburghTottenham5Thomas WiddringtonSouthampton2
John FashanuWimbledon5Dennis WiseChelsea2
Paul InceMan Utd5Stephen WoodSouthampton2
Richard JobsonOldham5Mark WrightLiverpool2
Matt Le TissierSouthampton5Tony AdamsArsenal1
John MoncurSwindon Town5Patrik AnderssonBlackburn1
Ken MonkouSouthampton5Mark AtkinsBlackburn1
Luc NijholtSwindon Town5Dalian AtkinsonAston Villa1
Karl ReadyQPR5Nicky BangerSouthampton1
David TuttleSheffield Utd5Andy BarlowOldham1
Mark WardEverton5Chris Bart-WilliamsSheffield Wed1
Phil WhelanIpswich Town5Dave BeasantSouthampton1
David BardsleyQPR4John BeresfordNewcastle1
David BattyBlackburn4Henning BergBlackburn1
Francis BenaliSouthampton4Paul BernardOldham1
David BurrowsWest Ham Utd4Ian BishopWest Ham Utd1
Chris FaircloughLeeds United4Stig Inge BjornebyeLiverpool1
Glyn HodgesSheffield Utd4Dean BlackwellWimbledon1
Dean HoldsworthWimbledon4Gary BlissettWimbledon1
Kevin HorlockSwindon Town4Willie BolandCoventry City1
Mark HughesMan Utd4Mark BosnichAston Villa1
Matt JacksonEverton4Mark BrennanOldham1
Erland JohnsenChelsea4Craig BurleyChelsea1
Jeff KennaSouthampton4Ian ButterworthNorwich City1
Martin KeownArsenal4Sol CampbellTottenham1
Steve McMahonManchester City4Lee ChapmanWest Ham Utd1
Mike MilliganOldham4Simon CharltonSouthampton1
Robert NewmanNorwich City4Andy ClarkeWimbledon1
Carlton PalmerSheffield Wed4Alan CorkSheffield Utd1
Darren PeacockNewcastle4Tony CotteeEverton1
John PolstonNorwich City4Ian CrookNorwich City1
John SheridanSheffield Wed4Jason DoddSouthampton1
Ian SnodinEverton4Mal DonaghyChelsea1
Shaun TealeAston Villa4Jason DozzellTottenham1
Eddie YoudsIpswich Town4Richard EdghillManchester City1
Gary AblettEverton3Ugo EhioguAston Villa1
Paul BeesleySheffield Utd3Efan EkokuNorwich City1
Paul BracewellNewcastle3Gary ElkinsWimbledon1
Carl BradshawSheffield Utd3Robbie ElliottNewcastle1
Mark BrightSheffield Wed3Willie FalconerSheffield Utd1
Peter ButlerWest Ham Utd3Graham FentonAston Villa1
Colin CalderwoodTottenham3Robert FleckChelsea1
Eric CantonaMan Utd3Kevin GageSheffield Utd1
Ian CulverhouseNorwich City3Tony GaleWest Ham Utd1
Keith CurleManchester City3Marcus GayleWimbledon1
Brian DeaneLeeds United3Richard GrahamOldham1
Les FerdinandQPR3Bontcho GuentchevIpswich Town1
Jostein FloSheffield Utd3Bryan GunnNorwich City1
Sean FlynnCoventry City3Micky HazardTottenham1
Gunnar HalleOldham3David HillierArsenal1
Colin HendryBlackburn3Andy HinchcliffeEverton1
Barry HorneEverton3Steve HodgeLeeds United1
Jamie HoylandSheffield Utd3Ian HollowayQPR1
Denis IrwinMan Utd3Matty HolmesWest Ham Utd1
Rob JonesLiverpool3Paul HolmesEverton1
Chris KamaraSheffield Utd3David HopkinChelsea1
Chris KiwomyaIpswich Town3Terry HurlockSouthampton1
Jakob KjeldbjergChelsea3Don HutchisonLiverpool1
Anders LimparEverton3Graham HydeSheffield Wed1
Martin LingSwindon Town3Kare IngebrigtsenManchester City1
Gary McAllisterLeeds United3Michael JeffreyNewcastle1
Gary MegsonNorwich City3John JensenArsenal1
Trevor MorleyWest Ham Utd3Ryan JonesSheffield Wed1
Andy MutchSwindon Town3Roger JosephWimbledon1
Paul ParkerMan Utd3Andrei KanchelskisMan Utd1
Steve PottsWest Ham Utd3Dmitri KharineChelsea1
Jamie RedknappLiverpool3Brian KilclineSwindon Town1
David RocastleManchester City3David LeeChelsea1
Paul RogersSheffield Utd3Steve LomasManchester City1
John ScalesWimbledon3Gary MabbuttTottenham1
Kevin ScottTottenham3Nick MarkerBlackburn1
Ian SelleyArsenal3Chris MarsdenCoventry City1
Gary SpeedLeeds United3David MayBlackburn1
Nicky SummerbeeSwindon Town3Frank McAvennieSwindon Town1
Chris SuttonNorwich City3Brian McClairMan Utd1
Andy TownsendAston Villa3Neil McDonaldOldham1
Barry VenisonNewcastle3Eddie McGoldrickArsenal1
John WarkIpswich Town3Paul MersonArsenal1
Ronnie WhelanLiverpool3Jan MolbyLiverpool1
Adrian WhitbreadSwindon Town3Steven MorrowArsenal1
Nigel WinterburnArsenal3Alan NeilsonNewcastle1
Mickey AdamsSouthampton2Eddie NewtonChelsea1
Martin AllenWest Ham Utd2Steve NicolLiverpool1
Dean AustinTottenham2Roger NilsenSheffield Utd1
Phil BabbCoventry City2Roland NilssonSheffield Wed1
Earl BarrettAston Villa2David O'LearyLeeds United1
Peter BeagrieManchester City2Garry ParkerAston Villa1
Peter BeardsleyNewcastle2Ray ParlourArsenal1
Paul BodinSwindon Town2Gary PenriceQPR1
Steve BouldArsenal2Terry PhelanManchester City1
Steve BruceMan Utd2Neil PointonOldham1
Darren CaskeyTottenham2Adem PoricSheffield Wed1
Lee ClarkNewcastle2Lee PowerNorwich City1
Steve ClarkeChelsea2Spencer PriorNorwich City1
Nigel CloughLiverpool2Michael QuigleyManchester City1
Andrew ColeNewcastle2Mick QuinnCoventry City1
Tony CotonManchester City2Kevin RichardsonAston Villa1
Neil CoxAston Villa2Andy RitchieOldham1
Julian DarbyCoventry City2Uwe RoslerManchester City1
Paul DavisArsenal2Matthew RushWest Ham Utd1
Julian DicksLiverpool2Lawrie SanchezSwindon Town1
Fraser DigbySwindon Town2Andrew ScottSheffield Utd1
Lee DixonArsenal2Steve SedgleyTottenham1
Tony DorigoLeeds United2Scott SellarsNewcastle1
Peter FearWimbledon2Graeme SharpOldham1
Terry FenwickSwindon Town2Kevin SharpLeeds United1
Jan-Aage FjortoftSwindon Town2Lee SharpeMan Utd1
Craig FlemingOldham2Carl ShuttManchester City1
Garry FlitcroftManchester City2Trevor SinclairQPR1
Kevin GallacherBlackburn2Steve TalboysWimbledon1
Jeremy GossNorwich City2Neil ThompsonIpswich Town1
Alfons GroenendijkManchester City2Robert UllathorneNorwich City1
Steve HarknessLiverpool2David UnsworthEverton1
Nick HenryOldham2Des WalkerSheffield Wed1
Andrew ImpeyQPR2Mark WaltersLiverpool1
Gary KellyLeeds United2Paul WarhurstBlackburn1
Alan KernaghanManchester City2Steve WatsonNewcastle1
David LinighanIpswich Town2Dave WatsonEverton1
Neil MaddisonSouthampton2Roy WegerleCoventry City1
Chris MakinOldham2David WetherallLeeds United1
Mike MarshWest Ham Utd2Noel WhelanLeeds United1
Brian McAllisterWimbledon2Steve WhiteSwindon Town1
Alan McDonaldQPR2Guy WhittinghamAston Villa1
Paul McGrathAston Villa2Steve WhittonIpswich Town1
Simon MiltonIpswich Town2Jason WilcoxBlackburn1
Andy MorrisonBlackburn2Ray WilkinsQPR1
Peter NdlovuCoventry City2John WilliamsCoventry City1
Mike NewellBlackburn2Geraint WilliamsIpswich Town1
Gary PallisterMan Utd2Colin WoodthorpeNorwich City1
Total Yellow Cards Season 1993-94661

The 1993-94 Premier League Season: A Year of Discipline

The 1993-94 Premier League season was a memorable one for many reasons. But one aspect that often gets overlooked is the discipline record. This season saw a significant number of red and yellow cards issued, painting a vivid picture of the intensity and competitiveness of the league during this period.

Red Cards Galore

The 1993-94 season was not for the faint-hearted. A total of 33 red cards were shown, spread across 27 players. This was a testament to the high stakes and the fiery spirit of the players. Each red card told a story of a match where tensions ran high, where every tackle was a battle, and where the players were willing to push the boundaries of the rules to secure victory for their team.

Yellow Cards: A Cautionary Tale

But it wasn’t just the red cards that made headlines. The referees were also busy showing yellow cards throughout the season. A staggering 661 yellow cards were issued to 296 players. These cautionary cards served as a constant reminder to the players to keep their aggression in check, to play fair, and to respect the spirit of the game. But they also added an extra layer of drama and suspense to the matches, keeping the fans on the edge of their seats.

Discipline by Clubs

When we break down the discipline record by clubs, we get an interesting insight into the playing style and temperament of different teams. Some clubs had a higher discipline record, indicating a more aggressive and physical style of play. Others had a lower record, suggesting a more controlled and tactical approach. This diversity in playing styles is one of the things that makes the Premier League such a fascinating and unpredictable league.

So, as you delve deeper into the discipline record of the 1993-94 Premier League season, remember that each card is not just a statistic. It’s a snapshot of a moment in a match, a glimpse into the mindset of a player, and a testament to the passion and intensity that makes the Premier League one of the most exciting football leagues in the world.