Premier League Discipline 1999-2000

Welcome to the the Premier League’s 1999-2000 season – a time when the beautiful game was as much about grit and determination as it was about skill and finesse. This was a season that saw the rulebook being tested to its limits, with players and managers alike pushing the boundaries of what was acceptable on the pitch. From bone-crunching tackles to fiery exchanges, the 1999-2000 season was a masterclass in discipline, or sometimes, the lack thereof. This page, “Premier League Discipline 1999-2000”, is your time machine back to those heady days. We’ll delve into the most controversial moments, the players who were more familiar with the referee’s notebook than their own teammates, and the managers who couldn’t help but voice their ‘constructive criticism’ from the sidelines. So, whether you’re a die-hard fan looking to relive the glory (and gory) days, or a newbie keen to understand the evolution of discipline in football, strap in for a wild ride. Because, in the Premier League, even the fouls are world-class!

Nicky ButtMan Utd2Shaka HislopWest Ham Utd1
Richard DunneEverton2Don HutchisonEverton1
Marc-Vivien FoeWest Ham Utd2Micah HydeWatford1
John HartsonWimbledon2Francis JeffersEverton1
Frank LeboeufChelsea2Roy KeaneMan Utd1
Alex RaeSunderland2Neil LennonLeicester City1
Stefan SchnoorDerby County2Fredrik LjungbergArsenal1
Warren BartonNewcastle1Steve LomasWest Ham Utd1
Dean BlackwellWimbledon1Claus LundekvamSouthampton1
Luis Boa MorteSouthampton1Oleg LuzhnyArsenal1
Steve BouldSunderland1Chris MakinSunderland1
David BurrowsCoventry City1Javier MargasWest Ham Utd1
Youssef ChippoCoventry City1John MoncurWest Ham Utd1
Andrew ColeMan Utd1Andy MyersBradford City1
Patrick ColleterSouthampton1Allan NielsenTottenham1
John CollinsEverton1Dean RichardsSouthampton1
Neil CoxWatford1Alan ShearerNewcastle1
Nikos DabizasNewcastle1Frank SinclairLeicester City1
Kevin DaviesSouthampton1Trevor SinclairWest Ham Utd1
Rory DelapDerby County1Alan SmithLeeds United1
Marcel DesaillyChelsea1Danny SonnerSheffield Wed1
Michael DuberryLeeds United1Gareth SouthgateAston Villa1
Jason EuellWimbledon1Igor StimacWest Ham Utd1
Gianluca FestaMiddlesbrough1Gerry TaggartLeicester City1
Esteban FuertesDerby County1David ThompsonLiverpool1
Paul GascoigneMiddlesbrough1Patrick VieiraArsenal1
Steven GerrardLiverpool1David WeirEverton1
Xavier GravelaineWatford1Sander WesterveldLiverpool1
Gilles GrimandiArsenal1Mark WilliamsWatford1
Ian HarteLeeds United1Dennis WiseChelsea1
Christian ZiegeMiddlesbrough1
Total Red Cards Season 1999-200068

Overview of Premier League Discipline 1999-2000

The 1999-2000 Premier League season was a thrilling one, filled with spectacular goals, nail-biting finishes, and, of course, a fair share of disciplinary actions. This page provides a comprehensive look at the red and yellow cards issued during this season, offering a unique perspective on the game’s intensity and competitiveness.

Red Cards in the 1999-2000 Season

During the 1999-2000 season, the referees were not shy about reaching for their back pockets. A total of 68 red cards were issued, involving 61 different players. This statistic highlights the high-stakes nature of the Premier League, where every tackle could potentially change the course of a match or even a season.

West Ham United8Derby County92
Chelsea4Leeds United78
Derby County4West Ham United75
Man Utd4Watford70
Leeds United3Aston Villa66
Leicester City3Chelsea66
Middlesbrough3Coventry City55
Newcastle3Bradford City54
Coventry City2Newcastle50
Aston Villa1Wimbledon49
Bradford City1Man Utd44
Sheffield Wed1Sheffield Wed43
Tottenham1Leicester City41

Yellow Cards in the 1999-2000 Season

Yellow cards, the less severe but more frequent form of disciplinary action, were also a common sight during this season. A staggering 1,300 yellow cards were shown to 364 players, indicating that the referees were keen on maintaining order and discipline on the pitch. This figure also underscores the physicality and aggression that are inherent in the English game.

Lee BowyerLeeds United13Danny MurphyLiverpool3
Seth JohnsonDerby County13Allan NielsenTottenham3
Mark HughesEverton11Matt OakleySouthampton3
Chris MakinSunderland11Ray ParlourArsenal3
Robert PageWatford11Stuart PearceWest Ham Utd3
Stefan SchwarzSunderland11Mark PembridgeEverton3
Horacio CarbonariDerby County10Alan QuinnSheffield Wed3
Youssef ChippoCoventry City10Richard ShawCoventry City3
Igor StimacWest Ham Utd10Alan ShearerNewcastle3
Patrick VieiraArsenal10Steve StauntonLiverpool3
Christian ZiegeMiddlesbrough10Dean SturridgeDerby County3
George BoatengAston Villa9Nicky SummerbeeSunderland3
Steffen FreundTottenham9Silvio SylvinhoArsenal3
Gilles GrimandiArsenal9Dave WatsonEverton3
Hassan KachloulSouthampton9David WeirEverton3
Frank LeboeufChelsea9Noel WhelanCoventry City3
Alex RaeSunderland9Darren WilliamsSunderland3
Paul RobinsonWatford9Nigel WinterburnArsenal3
Tim SherwoodTottenham9Tony AdamsArsenal2
Mauricio TariccoTottenham9Niclas AlexanderssonSheffield Wed2
Jason EuellWimbledon8James BeattieSouthampton2
Gunnar HalleBradford City8Henning BergMan Utd2
Ian HarteLeeds United8Patrik BergerLiverpool2
Stephane HenchozLiverpool8Vasilis BorbokisDerby County2
Don HutchisonEverton8Gary BreenCoventry City2
Paul InceMiddlesbrough8Nicky ButtMan Utd2
Roy KeaneMan Utd8Danny CadamarteriEverton2
Neil LennonLeicester City8Kevin CampbellEverton2
Gavin McCannSunderland8Malcolm ChristieDerby County2
John MoncurWest Ham Utd8Carl CortWimbledon2
Chris PerryTottenham8Daniele DichioSunderland2
Frank SinclairLeicester City8Didier DomiNewcastle2
Ian TaylorAston Villa8Simon DonnellySheffield Wed2
David ThompsonLiverpool8Robbie EarleWimbledon2
Mark WilliamsWatford8Clint EastonWatford2
Eirik BakkeLeeds United7Matt ElliottLeicester City2
Nick BarmbyEverton7John EustaceCoventry City2
Titi CamaraLiverpool7Rio FerdinandWest Ham Utd2
Kevin DaviesSouthampton7Esteban FuertesDerby County2
Marc-Vivien FoeWest Ham Utd7Marcus GayleWimbledon2
Micah HydeWatford7Ryan GiggsMan Utd2
Darryl PowellDerby County7Steve GuppyLeicester City2
Hamilton RicardMiddlesbrough7Sami HyypiaLiverpool2
Paul ScholesMan Utd7Matthew JonesLeeds United2
Nolberto SolanoNewcastle7Nwankwo KanuArsenal2
Chris SuttonChelsea7Kevin KilbaneSunderland2
Alan ThompsonAston Villa7Georgi KinkladzeDerby County2
Dennis WiseChelsea7Fredrik LjungbergArsenal2
Gareth BarryAston Villa6Oleg LuzhnyArsenal2
David BeckhamMan Utd6Elena MarcelinoNewcastle2
Dennis BergkampArsenal6Javier MargasWest Ham Utd2
Michael BridgesLeeds United6Nigel MartynLeeds United2
Craig BurleyDerby County6Dominic MatteoLiverpool2
Deon BurtonDerby County6Gary McAllisterCoventry City2
Paul ButlerSunderland6Jamie McClenNewcastle2
Sol CampbellTottenham6Erik MeijerLiverpool2
Stephen CarrTottenham6Paul MersonAston Villa2
Nikos DabizasNewcastle6Scott MintoWest Ham Utd2
Brian DeaneMiddlesbrough6Tommy MooneyWatford2
Mark DelaneyAston Villa6Andrew O'BrienBradford City2
Paolo Di CanioWest Ham Utd6Egil OstenstadSouthampton2
Gianluca FestaMiddlesbrough6Michael OwenLiverpool2
Curtis FlemingMiddlesbrough6Tore PedersenWimbledon2
Dietmar HamannLiverpool6Dan PetrescuChelsea2
Heidar HelgusonWatford6Mart PoomDerby County2
Lee HendrieAston Villa6Barry QuinnCoventry City2
Thierry HenryArsenal6Lucas RadebeLeeds United2
Gary KellyLeeds United6Andy RobertsWimbledon2
Martin KeownArsenal6Eric RoySunderland2
Harry KewellLeeds United6Petter RudiSheffield Wed2
Steve LomasWest Ham Utd6Jlloyd SamuelAston Villa2
Chris MarsdenSouthampton6Dean SaundersBradford City2
Spencer PriorDerby County6Gerald SibonSheffield Wed2
Niall QuinnSunderland6Ole Gunnar SolskjaerMan Utd2
Neil RedfearnBradford City6Rigobert SongLiverpool2
Stefan SchnoorDerby County6Paul TelferCoventry City2
Trevor SinclairWest Ham Utd6Paul ThirlwellSunderland2
Alan SmithLeeds United6Luke YoungTottenham2
Gary SpeedNewcastle6Theo ZagorakisLeicester City2
Phil StampMiddlesbrough6Gareth AinsworthWimbledon1
Gerry TaggartLeicester City6John AloisiCoventry City1
Paulo WanchopeWest Ham Utd6Tomas AntoneliusCoventry City1
David WetherallBradford City6Walid BadirWimbledon1
Trond AndersenWimbledon5Francesco BaianoDerby County1
Darren AndertonTottenham5Robbie BlakeBradford City1
Peter AthertonSheffield Wed5Luis Boa MorteSouthampton1
Warren BartonNewcastle5Lars BohinenDerby County1
John CollinsEverton5Alexandre BonnotWatford1
Colin CooperMiddlesbrough5Shayne BradleySouthampton1
Rory DelapDerby County5Lee BriscoeSheffield Wed1
Didier DeschampsChelsea5Colin CalderwoodAston Villa1
Jason DoddSouthampton5Benito CarboneAston Villa1
Michael DuberryLeeds United5Gary CharlesWest Ham Utd1
Richard DunneEverton5Alex ClelandEverton1
Ugo EhioguAston Villa5Joe ColeWest Ham Utd1
Albert FerrerChelsea5Stan CollymoreLeicester City1
Steve FroggattCoventry City5Tony CotteeLeicester City1
Steven GerrardLiverpool5Neil CoxWatford1
Alain GomaNewcastle5Jody CraddockSunderland1
Moustapha HadjiCoventry City5Jordi CruyffMan Utd1
Emile HeskeyLiverpool5Kenny CunninghamWimbledon1
Steffen IversenTottenham5Aidan DavisonBradford City1
Jacob LaursenDerby County5Dion DublinAston Villa1
Robert LeeNewcastle5Franck DumasNewcastle1
Stuart McCallBradford City5Kieron DyerNewcastle1
Danny MillsLeeds United5Steve ElliottDerby County1
Keith O'NeillMiddlesbrough5Graham FentonLeicester City1
Gary PallisterMiddlesbrough5Duncan FergusonNewcastle1
Emmanuel PetitArsenal5Ian FeuerWest Ham Utd1
Kevin PhillipsSunderland5Tore Andre FloChelsea1
Gustavo PoyetChelsea5Tim FlowersLeicester City1
Danny SonnerSheffield Wed5Robbie FowlerLiverpool1
Jaap StamMan Utd5Ruel FoxTottenham1
Steve VickersMiddlesbrough5Damien FrancisWimbledon1
Dean WindassBradford City5Paul GascoigneMiddlesbrough1
Alan WrightAston Villa5Scot GemmillEverton1
Chris ArmstrongTottenham4Dean GordonMiddlesbrough1
Kevin BallSunderland4Xavier GravelaineWatford1
David BattyLeeds United4Johann GudmundssonWatford1
Peter BeagrieBradford City4Marcus HallCoventry City1
Francis BenaliSouthampton4Jon HarleyChelsea1
Jamie CarragherLiverpool4Kevin HarperDerby County1
Stephen ClemenceTottenham4Marino HelderNewcastle1
Tony DorigoDerby County4Thomas HelmerSunderland1
John DreyerBradford City4Darren HollowaySunderland1
Alf Inge HaalandLeeds United4David HopkinLeeds United1
John HartsonWimbledon4Russell HoultDerby County1
Richard JohnsonWatford4Steve HoweyNewcastle1
Wim JonkSheffield Wed4Michael HughesWimbledon1
Marc KellerWest Ham Utd4Stephen HughesEverton1
Peter KennedyWatford4Denis IrwinMan Utd1
Alan KimbleWimbledon4Tommy JohnsonEverton1
Frank LampardWest Ham Utd4Osvaldo Juninho PaulistaMiddlesbrough1
Claus LundekvamSouthampton4Duncan JuppWimbledon1
Jody MorrisChelsea4Frederic KanouteWest Ham Utd1
Robbie MustoeMiddlesbrough4Temuri KetsbaiaNewcastle1
Phil NevilleMan Utd4Mo KonjicCoventry City1
Ian NolanSheffield Wed4Willem KorstenTottenham1
Marians PaharsSouthampton4Andreas LundWimbledon1
Carlton PalmerCoventry City4Des LyttleWatford1
David PerpetuiniWatford4Neil MaddisonMiddlesbrough1
Jamie RedknappLiverpool4Ian MarshallLeicester City1
Dean RichardsSouthampton4Lee MillsBradford City1
Neil RuddockWest Ham Utd4Joe-Max MooreEverton1
Robbie SavageLeicester City4Adam MurrayDerby County1
Davor SukerArsenal4Andy MyersBradford City1
Mark SummerbellMiddlesbrough4Jon NewsomeSheffield Wed1
Ben ThatcherWimbledon4Michel NgongeWatford1
Emerson ThomeChelsea4Gifton Noel-WilliamsWatford1
David UnsworthEverton4Phil O'DonnellSheffield Wed1
Steve WatsonAston Villa4John OsterSunderland1
Paul WilliamsCoventry City4Marc OvermarsArsenal1
Celestine BabayaroChelsea3Steve PalmerWatford1
Michael BallEverton3Alessandro PistoneNewcastle1
Dean BlackwellWimbledon3Steve PottsWest Ham Utd1
Andy BoothSheffield Wed3Kevin PressmanSheffield Wed1
Steve BouldSunderland3Stuart RipleySouthampton1
Andrew ColeMan Utd3Marvin RobinsonDerby County1
Patrick ColleterSouthampton3Cedric RousselCoventry City1
Richard CresswellSheffield Wed3Mark SchwarzerMiddlesbrough1
Gilles De BildeSheffield Wed3Philip ScottSheffield Wed1
Marcel DesaillyChelsea3Lee SharpeBradford City1
Roberto Di MatteoChelsea3Allan SmartWatford1
Lee DixonArsenal3Vladimir SmicerLiverpool1
Justin EdinburghTottenham3Tommy SmithWatford1
Marc EdworthyCoventry City3Thomas SorensenSunderland1
Tahar El KhalejSouthampton3Gareth SouthgateAston Villa1
Stefano EranioDerby County3Steve StoneAston Villa1
Les FerdinandTottenham3Branko StruparDerby County1
Paul GerrardEverton3Neil SullivanWimbledon1
David GinolaTottenham3Andy TownsendMiddlesbrough1
Richard GoughEverton3Matthew UpsonArsenal1
Hermann HreidarssonWimbledon3Darius VassellAston Villa1
Muzzy IzzetLeicester City3Nelson VivasArsenal1
Wayne JacobsBradford City3Ian WalkerTottenham1
Robbie KeaneCoventry City3Steve WalshLeicester City1
Bernard LambourdeChelsea3Mitch WardEverton1
Jamie LawrenceBradford City3Ashley WestwoodBradford City1
Graeme Le SauxChelsea3Jason WilcoxLeeds United1
Matt Le TissierSouthampton3Abel XavierEverton1
Oyvind LeonhardsenTottenham3Dwight YorkeMan Utd1
Charlie MillerWatford3Ed de GoeyChelsea1
Total Yellow Cards Season 1999-20001,300

Red and Yellow Cards Combined

When we combine the red and yellow cards, we get a clearer picture of the overall discipline in the Premier League during the 1999-2000 season. The numbers reveal a game that is fiercely contested, with players pushing the boundaries of the rules in their quest for victory. It’s a testament to the passion and commitment that make the Premier League one of the most exciting football leagues in the world.

Discipline by Club

Disciplinary records also vary significantly from club to club. Some teams are known for their aggressive style of play, which often results in more cards, while others pride themselves on their discipline and fair play. By examining the disciplinary records of each club, we can gain insights into their playing style and philosophy.

So, whether you’re a football enthusiast looking to delve deeper into the game’s intricacies, or a casual fan interested in the more controversial side of football, this page offers a wealth of information. Enjoy exploring the data and discovering new aspects of the beautiful game!