Premier League Discipline 2000-01

Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of the Premier League’s 2000-01 season – a time when the beautiful game was as much about the crunching tackles and fiery tempers as it was about the sublime skills and stunning goals. This was a season that saw the rulebook tested, the referee’s patience stretched, and the disciplinary committee working overtime. From the red card rampage to the yellow card yowls, we’ve got all the juicy details that made this season a spectacle of discipline, or perhaps, the lack thereof. So, whether you’re a fan of the hard-hitting defenders who never shied away from a tackle, or you’re just curious to know which team spent more time in the sin bin than on the pitch, you’re in for a treat. Buckle up, folks, as we take a trip down the memory lane to revisit the drama, the controversy, and the sheer passion that made the Premier League 2000-01 season a disciplinary rollercoaster ride. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Lee HendrieAston Villa2 Chris KirklandCoventry City1
Nolberto SolanoNewcastle2 Willem KorstenTottenham1
Danny TiattoManchester City2 Graeme Le SauxChelsea1
Patrick VieiraArsenal2 Carlos MarinelliMiddlesbrough1
Warren BartonNewcastle1 Gary McAllisterLiverpool1
David BattyLeeds United1 Stuart McCallBradford City1
Igor BiscanLiverpool1 John McGrealIpswich Town1
Steve BrownCharlton1 Danny MurphyLiverpool1
Deon BurtonDerby County1 Alex NyarkoEverton1
Horacio CarbonariDerby County1 Keith O'NeillMiddlesbrough1
Luke ChadwickMan Utd1 John OsterSunderland1
Andrew ColeMan Utd1 Carlton PalmerCoventry City1
Mark CrossleyMiddlesbrough1 Stuart PearceWest Ham Utd1
Paul DickovManchester City1 Alessandro PistoneEverton1
Kieron DyerNewcastle1 Lucas RadebeLeeds United1
Ugo EhioguMiddlesbrough1 Alex RaeSunderland1
Steven GerrardLiverpool1 Richard RufusCharlton1
Thomas GravesenEverton1 Alan SmithLeeds United1
Michael GraySunderland1 Gary SpeedNewcastle1
Gilles GrimandiArsenal1 Phil StampMiddlesbrough1
Moustapha HadjiCoventry City1 Marcus StewartIpswich Town1
Dietmar HamannLiverpool1 Igor StimacWest Ham Utd1
Jimmy Floyd HasselbainkChelsea1 Neil SullivanTottenham1
Don HutchisonSunderland1 Gerry TaggartLeicester City1
Seth JohnsonDerby County1 Ian TaylorAston Villa1
Matthew JonesLeicester City1 Ben ThatcherTottenham1
Hassan KachloulSouthampton1 David ThompsonCoventry City1
Christian KarembeuMiddlesbrough1 Carl TilerCharlton1
Roy KeaneMan Utd1 Stanislav VargaSunderland1
Kevin KilbaneSunderland1 Abel XavierEverton1
Total Red Cards Season 2000-01 64

Premier League Discipline 2000-01: A Season of Cards

The 2000-01 Premier League season was a memorable one for many reasons. Among them was the level of discipline, or lack thereof, exhibited by the players and clubs. The season saw a flurry of yellow and red cards, painting a vivid picture of the intensity and competitiveness of the league during this period.

Red Cards Galore

Red cards are always a point of contention in any football season, and the 2000-01 Premier League season was no exception. The dismissals were spread across the league, with players from various clubs finding themselves on the receiving end of the referee’s red card. The impact of these dismissals was felt on the pitch, with teams often having to adjust their strategies mid-game due to being a man down.

Sunderland6Derby County81
Newcastle5Coventry City75
Coventry City4Leeds United74
Aston Villa3West Ham United71
Charlton Athletic3Manchester City68
Derby County3Aston Villa61
Leeds United3Leicester City60
Manchester City3Liverpool51
Man Utd3Newcastle50
Chelsea2Charlton Athletic47
Ipswich Town2Tottenham47
Leicester City2Arsenal46
West Ham United2Man Utd44
Bradford City1Bradford City44
Southampton1Ipswich Town34

Yellow Cards: A Cautionary Tale

Yellow cards, while less severe than red cards, were also a significant part of the 2000-01 Premier League season. These cautions served as a constant reminder for players to keep their aggression in check, while also adding an extra layer of drama to the matches. The accumulation of yellow cards also had implications for player suspensions, affecting team line-ups and strategies in subsequent games.

Olivier DacourtLeeds United13John TerryChelsea3
Dean WindassMiddlesbrough12Ben ThatcherTottenham3
John EustaceCoventry City11Simo ValakariDerby County3
Don HutchisonSunderland11Stanislav VargaSunderland3
Gerry TaggartLeicester City11Ramon VegaTottenham3
Ozalan AlpayAston Villa10Taribo WestDerby County3
Seth JohnsonDerby County10David WetherallBradford City3
Kevin PhillipsSunderland10Alan WrightAston Villa3
David ThompsonCoventry City10Abel XavierEverton3
Danny TiattoManchester City10Christian ZiegeLiverpool3
Eirik BakkeLeeds United9Niclas AlexanderssonEverton2
George BoatengAston Villa9David BattyLeeds United2
Lee BowyerLeeds United9Peter BeagrieBradford City2
Kevin DaviesSouthampton9Trevor BenjaminLeicester City2
Marcel DesaillyChelsea9Dennis BergkampArsenal2
Stuart PearceWest Ham Utd9Igor BiscanLiverpool2
Alan SmithLeeds United9Danny CadamarteriEverton2
Paulo WanchopeManchester City9Michael CarrickWest Ham Utd2
Dennis WiseChelsea9Jamie ClaphamIpswich Town2
Gary BreenCoventry City8Brian DeaneMiddlesbrough2
Nicky ButtMan Utd8Daniele DichioSunderland2
Horacio CarbonariDerby County8Bernard DiomedeLiverpool2
Colin CooperMiddlesbrough8Lee DixonArsenal2
Stefano EranioDerby County8Jason DoddSouthampton2
Paul InceMiddlesbrough8Didier DomiNewcastle2
Danny MillsLeeds United8Dion DublinAston Villa2
Lucas RadebeLeeds United8Duncan FergusonEverton2
Gary SpeedNewcastle8Albert FerrerChelsea2
Steve StoneAston Villa8Hayden FoxeWest Ham Utd2
Ashley WardBradford City8Paul GerrardEverton2
Darren AndertonTottenham7Stephen GlassNewcastle2
Craig BellamyCoventry City7Dean GordonMiddlesbrough2
Sam Dalla BonaChelsea7Danny GranvilleManchester City2
Paul DickovManchester City7Andy GriffinNewcastle2
Tahar El KhalejSouthampton7Jesper GronkjaerChelsea2
Scot GemmillEverton7Marcus HallCoventry City2
David GinolaAston Villa7Darren HollowaySunderland2
Thomas GravesenEverton7Darren HuckerbyManchester City2
Steve HoweyManchester City7Aaron HughesNewcastle2
Alex NyarkoEverton7Andrew ImpeyLeicester City2
Richard RufusCharlton7Denis IrwinMan Utd2
Robbie SavageLeicester City7Jonatan JohanssonCharlton2
Gareth SouthgateAston Villa7Roy KeaneMan Utd2
Graham StuartCharlton7Mark KennedyManchester City2
David UnsworthEverton7Harry KewellLeeds United2
Paul WilliamsCoventry City7Kevin KilbaneSunderland2
Nigel WinterburnWest Ham Utd7Georgi KinkladzeDerby County2
Tony AdamsArsenal6LaurenArsenal2
Markus BabbelLiverpool6Gary LockeBradford City2
Titus BrambleIpswich Town6Lomana Tresor LuaLuaNewcastle2
Jamie CarragherLiverpool6Claus LundekvamSouthampton2
Lee CarsleyCoventry City6Youl MaweneDerby County2
Youssef ChippoCoventry City6Mario MelchiotChelsea2
Paolo Di CanioWest Ham Utd6Paul MersonAston Villa2
Alf Inge HaalandManchester City6Joe-Max MooreEverton2
Dietmar HamannLiverpool6Danny MurphyLiverpool2
Jimmy Floyd HasselbainkChelsea6Robbie MustoeMiddlesbrough2
Hassan KachloulSouthampton6Andy MyersBradford City2
Frank LeboeufChelsea6Alessandro PistoneEverton2
Paul OkonMiddlesbrough6Gustavo PoyetChelsea2
Emerson ThomeSunderland6Alex RaeSunderland2
Patrick VieiraArsenal6Stefan SchnoorDerby County2
Jeff WhitleyManchester City6Mikael SilvestreMan Utd2
Darren WilliamsSunderland6Vladimir SmicerLiverpool2
Fabian WilnisIpswich Town6Marcus StewartIpswich Town2
Clarence AcunaNewcastle5Andy ToddCharlton2
Julio ArcaSunderland5Darius VassellAston Villa2
Warren BartonNewcastle5Steve VickersMiddlesbrough2
Christian BassedasNewcastle5Gregory VignalLiverpool2
James BeattieSouthampton5Gary WalshBradford City2
Wes BrownMan Utd5Nicky WeaverManchester City2
Craig BurleyDerby County5Noel WhelanMiddlesbrough2
Malcolm ChristieDerby County5Dwight YorkeMan Utd2
Joe ColeWest Ham Utd5Luke YoungTottenham2
Mark DraperSouthampton5Ysrael ZunigaCoventry City2
Steven GerrardLiverpool5Ade AkinbiyiLeicester City1
Gilles GrimandiArsenal5Juan Pablo AngelAston Villa1
Slavisa JokanovicChelsea5Peter AthertonBradford City1
Frederic KanouteWest Ham Utd5Fabien BarthezMan Utd1
Stuart McCallBradford City5Patrik BergerLiverpool1
John MoncurWest Ham Utd5Con BlatsisDerby County1
Jody MorrisChelsea5Wayne BridgeSouthampton1
Scott ParkerCharlton5Steve BrownCharlton1
Niall QuinnSunderland5Steven CaldwellNewcastle1
Hamilton RicardMiddlesbrough5Titi CamaraWest Ham Utd1
Chris RiggottDerby County5Kevin CampbellEverton1
Stefan SchwarzSunderland5Sol CampbellTottenham1
Phil StampMiddlesbrough5Laurent CharvetManchester City1
Dean SturridgeLeicester City5Andrew ColeMan Utd1
Davor SukerWest Ham Utd5Carl CortNewcastle1
Mark VenusIpswich Town5Richard CresswellLeicester City1
Mark VidukaLeeds United5Gary CroftIpswich Town1
Celestine BabayaroChelsea4Lee CrooksManchester City1
Michael BallEverton4Nikos DabizasNewcastle1
Deon BurtonDerby County4Mark DelaneyAston Villa1
Stephen CarrTottenham4Damien DelaneyLeicester City1
Stephen ClemenceTottenham4Michael DuberryLeeds United1
Christian DaillyWest Ham Utd4Richard EdghillManchester City1
Richard DunneManchester City4Marc EdworthyCoventry City1
Darren EadieLeicester City4Steve ElliottDerby County1
Les FerdinandTottenham4Matthew EtheringtonTottenham1
Curtis FlemingMiddlesbrough4Tore Andre FloChelsea1
Steffen FreundTottenham4Paul GascoigneEverton1
Jason GavinMiddlesbrough4Ryan GiggsMan Utd1
Alain GomaNewcastle4Phil GilchristLeicester City1
Michael GraySunderland4Shay GivenNewcastle1
John HartsonCoventry City4Shaun GoaterManchester City1
Thierry HenryArsenal4Richard GoughEverton1
Emile HeskeyLiverpool4Tony GrantManchester City1
Muzzy IzzetLeicester City4Jonathan GreeningMan Utd1
Christian KarembeuMiddlesbrough4Thordur GudjonssonDerby County1
Mark KinsellaCharlton4Steve GuppyLeicester City1
Radostin KishishevCharlton4Moustapha HadjiCoventry City1
Neil LennonLeicester City4Jon HarleyChelsea1
Steve LomasWest Ham Utd4Ian HarteLeeds United1
Chris MarsdenSouthampton4Shaka HislopWest Ham Utd1
Billy McKinlayBradford City4David HopkinBradford City1
Robert MolenaarBradford City4Mark HughesEverton1
Gary NevilleMan Utd4Sasa IlicCharlton1
Phil NevilleMan Utd4Steffen IversenTottenham1
Keith O'NeillMiddlesbrough4Wayne JacobsBradford City1
Carlton PalmerCoventry City4Ronny JohnsenMan Utd1
Christian PanucciChelsea4Matthew JonesLeicester City1
Ray ParlourArsenal4Nwankwo KanuArsenal1
Barry QuinnCoventry City4Robbie KeaneLeeds United1
John RobinsonCharlton4Gary KellyLeeds United1
Gary RowettLeicester City4Dean KielyCharlton1
Tim SherwoodTottenham4Chris KirklandCoventry City1
Frank SinclairLeicester City4Willem KorstenTottenham1
Rigobert SongWest Ham Utd4Matt Le TissierSouthampton1
Igor StimacWest Ham Utd4Junior LewisLeicester City1
Mark SummerbellMiddlesbrough4Jari LitmanenLiverpool1
Idan TalEverton4Oleg LuzhnyArsenal1
Steve WatsonEverton4Jim MagiltonIpswich Town1
David WeirEverton4Elena MarcelinoNewcastle1
Jonathan WoodgateLeeds United4Javier MargasWest Ham Utd1
Nick BarmbyLiverpool3Carlos MarinelliMiddlesbrough1
Gareth BarryAston Villa3Dominic MatteoLeeds United1
David BeckhamMan Utd3Gary McAllisterLiverpool1
Paul BoertienDerby County3John McGrealIpswich Town1
Alen BoksicMiddlesbrough3Kevin McLeodEverton1
Benito CarboneBradford City3Andy MorrisonManchester City1
Matt ClarkeBradford City3Adam MurrayDerby County1
Ashley ColeArsenal3Andrew O'BrienNewcastle1
Jody CraddockSunderland3Brian O'NeilDerby County1
Callum DavidsonLeicester City3Matt OakleySouthampton1
Rory DelapDerby County3John OsterSunderland1
Gary DohertyTottenham3Marians PaharsSouthampton1
Ugo EhioguMiddlesbrough3Dan PetrescuSouthampton1
Matt ElliottLeicester City3Robert PiresArsenal1
Gianluca FestaMiddlesbrough3Chris PowellCharlton1
Stephane HenchozLiverpool3Serhiy RebrovTottenham1
Lee HendrieAston Villa3Martijn ReuserIpswich Town1
Danny HigginbothamDerby County3Dean RichardsSouthampton1
Hermann HreidarssonIpswich Town3Paul RitchieManchester City1
Stephen HughesEverton3John SalakoCharlton1
Francis JeffersEverton3John ScalesIpswich Town1
Martin KeownArsenal3Mark SchwarzerMiddlesbrough1
Paul KoncheskyCharlton3James ScowcroftIpswich Town1
Frank LampardWest Ham Utd3Richard ShawCoventry City1
Jamie LawrenceBradford City3Alan ShearerNewcastle1
Graeme Le SauxChelsea3Teddy SheringhamMan Utd1
Robert LeeNewcastle3Trevor SinclairWest Ham Utd1
Fredrik LjungbergArsenal3Ole Gunnar SolskjaerMan Utd1
Chris MakinIpswich Town3Jaap StamMan Utd1
Lilian MartinDerby County3Michael StewartMan Utd1
Gavin McCannSunderland3Branko StruparDerby County1
Lee MorrisDerby County3Neil SullivanTottenham1
Gary NaysmithEverton3Jo TessemSouthampton1
Mark PembridgeEverton3Paul ThirlwellSunderland1
Chris PerryTottenham3Hannu TihinenWest Ham Utd1
Darryl PowellDerby County3Carl TilerCharlton1
Spencer PriorManchester City3Svetoslav TodorovWest Ham Utd1
Uwe RoslerSouthampton3Djimi TraoreLiverpool1
Paul ScholesMan Utd3Dave WatsonEverton1
Nolberto SolanoNewcastle3Sander WesterveldLiverpool1
Mathias SvenssonCharlton3Gerard WiekensManchester City1
Silvio SylvinhoArsenal3Jermaine WrightIpswich Town1
Ian TaylorAston Villa3Gianfranco ZolaChelsea1
Total Yellow Cards Season 2000-011,208

Discipline by Clubs

Discipline, or the lack of it, was not just an individual issue but also reflected on the clubs. Some clubs had a higher frequency of cards than others, indicating a possible trend in their style of play or perhaps the temperament of their players. The disciplinary records of the clubs added another dimension to the season, influencing league standings and team reputations.

End of Season Statistics

As the season came to a close on 19th May 2001, the final tally of red and yellow cards provided a fascinating insight into the season’s disciplinary record. These statistics served as a testament to the passion, intensity, and at times, the recklessness, that characterized the 2000-01 Premier League season.

So, whether you’re a football enthusiast keen on revisiting this thrilling season, or a statistician looking to delve into the numbers, the disciplinary record of the 2000-01 Premier League season offers a captivating exploration into the heart of the beautiful game.