Premier League Discipline 2002-03

Welcome to the Premier League’s 2002-03 season – a year that was as much about discipline as it was about dazzling goals and deft footwork. This was a season where the beautiful game was tinged with a shade of red (cards, that is) and the referee’s whistle was as crucial as the striker’s boot. From the tough-tackling titans to the sly shirt-pullers, we’re about to embark on a journey back to a time when the stakes were high and the tempers even higher. We’ll revisit the players who spent more time arguing with the ref than actually playing, the teams that turned the pitch into a battleground, and the managers who couldn’t help but vent their frustrations from the side lines. So, lace up your boots, adjust your shin guards, and get ready for a wild ride through the tumultuous terrain of the Premier League’s 2002-03 disciplinary record. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual observer, this is one chapter of football history you won’t want to miss!

Franck QueudrueMiddlesbrough3 Florent LavilleBolton1
Sol CampbellArsenal2 Steve LomasWest Ham Utd1
Ian PearceWest Ham Utd2 Steve MarletFulham1
Alan SmithLeeds United2 Derek McInnesWBA1
David WeirEverton2 Bruno N'GottyBolton1
Christian ZiegeTottenham2 Gary NaysmithEverton1
Darren AndertonTottenham1 Lucas NeillBlackburn1
Celestine BabayaroChelsea1 Marians PaharsSouthampton1
Ali BenarbiaManchester City1 Chris PerryTottenham1
Rufus BrevettWest Ham Utd1 Gustavo PoyetTottenham1
Nikos DabizasNewcastle1 Darren PurseBirmingham1
Salif DiaoLiverpool1 Tomas RepkaWest Ham Utd1
Dion DublinAston Villa1 Laurent RobertNewcastle1
Peter EnckelmanAston Villa1 Jason RobertsWBA1
Garry FlitcroftBlackburn1 Wayne RooneyEverton1
Ricardo GardnerBolton1 Steve StauntonAston Villa1
Steven GerrardLiverpool1 Marcus StewartSunderland1
Alain GomaFulham1 Alan StubbsEverton1
Andy GriffinNewcastle1 Michael SvenssonSouthampton1
Joey GudjonssonAston Villa1 Maik TaylorFulham1
Geoff HorsfieldBirmingham1 Olivier TebilyBirmingham1
Russell HoultWBA1 Danny TiattoManchester City1
Sami HyypiaLiverpool1 Andy ToddBlackburn1
Niclas JensenManchester City1 David UnsworthEverton1
Sun JihaiManchester City1 Matthew UpsonBirmingham1
Andy JohnsonWBA1 Patrick VieiraArsenal1
Frederic KanouteWest Ham Utd1 Luke WilkshireMiddlesbrough1
Roy KeaneMan Utd1 Paul WilliamsSouthampton1
Tugay KerimogluBlackburn1 Mark WilsonMiddlesbrough1
Dean KielyCharlton1 Pierre WomeFulham1
Zat KnightFulham1 Shaun Wright-PhillipsManchester City1
Paul Konchesky Charlton 1 Joseph Yobo Everton 1
Total Red Cards Season 2002-03 71

Overview of Premier League Discipline 2002-03

The 2002-03 Premier League season was a thrilling one, filled with spectacular goals, nail-biting matches, and, of course, a fair share of disciplinary actions. This page provides a comprehensive look at the red and yellow cards issued during this season, offering a unique perspective on the game’s intensity and competitiveness.

Red Cards in Premier League 2002-03

During the 2002-03 season, the referees were not shy about reaching for their back pockets. A total of 71 red cards were issued, involving 64 different players. This statistic underscores the high-stakes nature of the Premier League, where every match is fiercely contested, and tempers can occasionally flare.

Everton7West Ham United79
West Ham United6Birmingham72
Fulham5Bolton Wanderers67
Manchester City5Aston Villa64
Aston Villa4Leeds United61
West Bromwich4Charlton Athletic56
Bolton Wanderers3Manchester City55
Newcastle3West Bromwich53
Charlton Athletic2Middlesbrough52
Leeds United2Newcastle50
Man Utd1Southampton47
Sunderland1Man Utd46

Red and Yellow Cards Combined

When we combine the red and yellow cards, the picture of discipline – or lack thereof – becomes even clearer. The 2002-03 season saw a flurry of cards, with referees frequently intervening to maintain control of the matches. This aspect of the game, while not as celebrated as goal-scoring or playmaking, is crucial in understanding the dynamics of the Premier League.

Yellow Cards in Premier League 2002-03

Yellow cards, often seen as a stern warning from the referee, were also a common sight during the 2002-03 season. A staggering 1,155 yellow cards were issued to 350 players, highlighting the physicality and competitiveness of the league. These cautions serve as a reminder that while skill and strategy are vital, discipline is equally important in the beautiful game.

Ivan CampoBolton13Robbie StockdaleMiddlesbrough3
Lee BowyerWest Ham Utd12Mathias SvenssonCharlton3
Gareth BarryAston Villa11Anders SvenssonSouthampton3
Aliou CisseBirmingham11Mauricio TariccoTottenham3
Thomas GravesenEverton11Paul TelferSouthampton3
Tomas RepkaWest Ham Utd11John TerryChelsea3
Alan SmithLeeds United11Danny TiattoManchester City3
Eirik BakkeLeeds United10Gerard WiekensManchester City3
Joe ColeWest Ham Utd10Jason WilcoxLeeds United3
Sean GreganWBA10Paul WilliamsSouthampton3
Gavin McCannSunderland10Jonathan WoodgateNewcastle3
Scott ParkerCharlton10Ruud van NistelrooyMan Utd3
Luis Boa MorteFulham9Marcus AllbackAston Villa2
Lucas NeillBlackburn9Ozalan AlpayAston Villa2
Robbie SavageBirmingham9Shola AmeobiNewcastle2
Rufus BrevettWest Ham Utd8Darren AndertonTottenham2
Thierry HenryArsenal8Nick BarmbyLeeds United2
Chris MarsdenSouthampton8Anthony BarnessBolton2
Stephen WrightSunderland8Milan BarosLiverpool2
Goran BunjevcevicTottenham7Joey BartonManchester City2
Enrique De LucasChelsea7Henning BergBlackburn2
Andy GriffinNewcastle7Eyal BerkovicManchester City2
Dietmar HamannLiverpool7Laurent BlancMan Utd2
Lee HendrieAston Villa7Alen BoksicMiddlesbrough2
Nils-Eric JohanssonBlackburn7Jacob BurnsLeeds United2
Tugay KerimogluBlackburn7Kevin CampbellEverton2
Danny MurphyLiverpool7Simon CharltonBolton2
Phil NevilleMan Utd7Jody CraddockSunderland2
Darren PurseBirmingham7Olivier DacourtLeeds United2
Franck QueudrueMiddlesbrough7Christian DaillyWest Ham Utd2
Richard RufusCharlton7Ulises De la CruzAston Villa2
Alan ShearerNewcastle7Rory DelapSouthampton2
George BoatengMiddlesbrough6Paolo Di CanioWest Ham Utd2
Wayne BridgeSouthampton6Martin DjetouFulham2
Edouard CisseWest Ham Utd6Gary DohertyTottenham2
Simon DaviesTottenham6Talal El KarkouriSunderland2
Marcel DesaillyChelsea6Les FerdinandWest Ham Utd2
Daniele DichioWBA6Mark FishCharlton2
Jason EuellCharlton6Diego ForlanMan Utd2
Steve FinnanFulham6Anthony GardnerTottenham2
Marc-Vivien FoeManchester City6Scot GemmillEverton2
Per FrandsenBolton6GeremiMiddlesbrough2
Jonathan GreeningMiddlesbrough6Keith GillespieBlackburn2
Niclas JensenManchester City6Alain GomaFulham2
Damien JohnsonBirmingham6Corrado GrabbiBlackburn2
Martin KeownArsenal6Michael GraySunderland2
Kevin KilbaneSunderland6Vratislav GreskoBlackburn2
LaurenArsenal6Jon HarleyFulham2
Florent LavilleBolton6Dean HoldsworthBolton2
Andrew MelvilleFulham6Lee HughesWBA2
Bernard MendyBolton6Jussi JaaskelainenBolton2
Danny MillsLeeds United6Stern JohnBirmingham2
Clinton MorrisonBirmingham6Ronny JohnsenAston Villa2
Emmanuel PetitChelsea6Kevin KyleSunderland2
Wayne RooneyEverton6Oyvind LeonhardsenAston Villa2
Steve StauntonAston Villa6Steve MarletFulham2
David ThompsonBlackburn6James McEveleyBlackburn2
Mark VidukaLeeds United6Darren MooreWBA2
Patrick VieiraArsenal6Gary NaysmithEverton2
David WeirEverton6Matt OakleySouthampton2
David BeckhamMan Utd5Egil OstenstadBlackburn2
Olivier BernardNewcastle5Marians PaharsSouthampton2
Andrew ColeBlackburn5Henrik PedersenBolton2
Ashley ColeArsenal5Mark PembridgeEverton2
El-Hadji DioufLiverpool5Chris PowellCharlton2
Sylvain DistinManchester City5Darryl PowellBirmingham2
Dion DublinAston Villa5Michael ProctorSunderland2
Richard DunneManchester City5David PruttonSouthampton2
Ugo EhioguMiddlesbrough5John RobinsonCharlton2
Steffen FreundTottenham5Ballesta SalvaBolton2
William GallasChelsea5Jlloyd SamuelAston Villa2
Ricardo GardnerBolton5Sebastian SchemmelWest Ham Utd2
Jesper GronkjaerChelsea5Teddy SheringhamTottenham2
Sun JihaiManchester City5Craig ShortBlackburn2
Andy JohnsonWBA5Mikael SilvestreMan Utd2
George McCartneySunderland5Trevor SinclairWest Ham Utd2
Derek McInnesWBA5Vladimir SmicerLiverpool2
Kevin NolanBolton5David SommeilManchester City2
Dean RichardsTottenham5Marcus StewartSunderland2
Gary SpeedNewcastle5Darius VassellAston Villa2
Olivier TebilyBirmingham5Ronnie WallworkWBA2
Djimi TraoreLiverpool5Noel WhelanMiddlesbrough2
Darren WilliamsSunderland5Mike WhitlowBolton2
Pierre WomeFulham5Mark WilsonMiddlesbrough2
Christian ZiegeTottenham5Nigel WinterburnWest Ham Utd2
Ali BenarbiaManchester City4Alan WrightAston Villa2
Gudni BergssonBolton4Boudewijn ZendenChelsea2
Joachim BjorklundSunderland4Milenko AcimovicTottenham1
Michael CarrickWest Ham Utd4Juan Pablo AngelAston Villa1
Neil ClementWBA4Phil BabbSunderland1
Salif DiaoLiverpool4Chris BairdSouthampton1
Youri DjorkaeffBolton4Fabien BarthezMan Utd1
Christophe DugarryBirmingham4Craig BellamyNewcastle1
Daud Gaspar EduArsenal4Francis BenaliSouthampton1
Garry FlitcroftBlackburn4Gary BreenWest Ham Utd1
Steven GerrardLiverpool4Nicky ButtMan Utd1
Jimmy Floyd HasselbainkChelsea4Steven CaldwellNewcastle1
Tony HibbertEverton4Lee CarsleyEverton1
Kevin HorlockManchester City4Bruno CheyrouLiverpool1
Miguel Hugo VianaNewcastle4Jamie ClaphamBirmingham1
Roy KeaneMan Utd4Ferdinand ColyBirmingham1
Kasey KellerTottenham4Peter CrouchAston Villa1
Radostin KishishevCharlton4Kenny CunninghamBirmingham1
Paul KoncheskyCharlton4Mark DelaneyAston Villa1
Jason KoumasWBA4Jason DoddSouthampton1
Graeme Le SauxChelsea4Michael DuberryLeeds United1
Mario MelchiotChelsea4David DunnBlackburn1
Paul OkonLeeds United4Kieron DyerNewcastle1
Ray ParlourArsenal4Rob EdwardsAston Villa1
Gustavo PoyetTottenham4Peter EnckelmanAston Villa1
Jason RobertsWBA4John EustaceMiddlesbrough1
Paul ScholesMan Utd4Duncan FergusonEverton1
Larus SigurdssonWBA4Quinton FortuneMan Utd1
Ole Gunnar SolskjaerMan Utd4Robbie FowlerManchester City1
Mario StanicChelsea4Phil GilchristWBA1
Alan StubbsEverton4Eidur GudjohnsenChelsea1
Michael SvenssonSouthampton4Moustapha HadjiAston Villa1
Ian TaylorAston Villa4Geoff HorsfieldBirmingham1
Li TieEverton4Steve HoweyManchester City1
Andy ToddBlackburn4Aaron HughesNewcastle1
David UnsworthEverton4Robert HuthChelsea1
Shaun Wright-PhillipsManchester City4Francis JeffersArsenal1
Luke YoungCharlton4Jermaine JenasNewcastle1
Celestine BabayaroChelsea3Joseph JobMiddlesbrough1
Shaun BartlettCharlton3Seth JohnsonLeeds United1
James BeattieSouthampton3Osvaldo Juninho PaulistaMiddlesbrough1
Dennis BergkampArsenal3Frederic KanouteWest Ham Utd1
Titus BrambleNewcastle3Robbie KeaneTottenham1
Wes BrownMan Utd3Jeff KennaBirmingham1
Sol CampbellArsenal3Dean KielyCharlton1
Stephen CarrTottenham3Mark KinsellaAston Villa1
Jamie CarragherLiverpool3Jovan KirovskiBirmingham1
Adam ChambersWBA3Stan LazaridisBirmingham1
Lee ClarkFulham3Weifeng LiEverton1
Stephen ClemenceBirmingham3Tobias LinderothEverton1
Carlton ColeChelsea3Lomana Tresor LuaLuaNewcastle1
Pascal CyganArsenal3Teddy LucicLeeds United1
Nikos DabizasNewcastle3Carlos MarinelliMiddlesbrough1
Sean DavisFulham3Lee MarshallWBA1
Jermain DefoeWest Ham Utd3Stephen McPhailLeeds United1
Paul DevlinBirmingham3Olof MellbergAston Villa1
Damien DuffBlackburn3Lucien MettomoManchester City1
Rio FerdinandMan Utd3John MoncurWest Ham Utd1
Fabrice FernandesSouthampton3Stefan MooreAston Villa1
Jonathan FortuneCharlton3Robbie MustoeCharlton1
Martin GraingerBirmingham3Andrew O'BrienNewcastle1
Joey GudjonssonAston Villa3Abdeslam OuaddouFulham1
Ian HarteLeeds United3Stuart ParnabyMiddlesbrough1
Barry HaylesFulham3Ian PearceWest Ham Utd1
Stephane HenchozLiverpool3Matthew PiperSunderland1
Emile HeskeyLiverpool3Lucas RadebeLeeds United1
Thomas HitzlspergerAston Villa3Sanfelix Raul BravoLeeds United1
Bryan HughesBirmingham3Claudio ReynaSunderland1
Glen JohnsonWest Ham Utd3Chris RiggottMiddlesbrough1
Harry KewellLeeds United3John Arne RiiseLiverpool1
Frank LampardChelsea3Gary RowettCharlton1
Sylvain LegwinskiFulham3Facundo SavaFulham1
Kevin LisbieCharlton3Peter SchmeichelManchester City1
Steve LomasWest Ham Utd3Mark SchwarzerMiddlesbrough1
Oleg LuzhnyArsenal3Nolberto SolanoNewcastle1
Massimo MaccaroneMiddlesbrough3Hakan SukurBlackburn1
Steed MalbranqueFulham3Martin TaylorBlackburn1
Dominic MatteoLeeds United3Ben ThatcherTottenham1
Jason McAteerSunderland3Paul ThirlwellSunderland1
Scott MintoWest Ham Utd3Stig ToftingBolton1
Jody MorrisChelsea3Kolo ToureArsenal1
Bruno N'GottyBolton3Matthew UpsonBirmingham1
Gary NevilleMan Utd3Giovanni Van BronckhorstArsenal1
Brett OrmerodSouthampton3Edwin Van der SarFulham1
Chris PerryTottenham3Juan VeronMan Utd1
Kevin PhillipsSunderland3Steve WatsonEverton1
Jamie RedknappTottenham3Luke WilkshireMiddlesbrough1
Michael RickettsMiddlesbrough3Sylvain WiltordArsenal1
Laurent RobertNewcastle3Richard WrightEverton1
Gareth SouthgateMiddlesbrough3Dwight YorkeBlackburn1
Total Yellow Cards Season 2002-031,155

Discipline Across the Seasons and Clubs

Disciplinary records are not just about individual players or single seasons. They provide a fascinating insight into the culture and style of play of different clubs, as well as the evolution of the game over the years. Comparing the discipline statistics across different seasons and clubs can reveal intriguing patterns and trends, adding another layer to our understanding and appreciation of the Premier League.

So, whether you’re a football stats geek, a passionate fan, or just curious, we invite you to delve deeper into the disciplinary side of the Premier League. Remember, every red or yellow card tells a story – of a heated moment, a tactical foul, or a passionate player pushing the limits. And these stories are an integral part of the rich tapestry that is the Premier League.