Mark Lawrenson’s Predictions 2013-14

Welcome to the Mark Lawrenson’s Predictions for the 2013-14 season! If you’re a fan of the beautiful game, you’ll know that Lawro, as he’s affectionately known, is a titan of football punditry. His razor-sharp insights and uncanny knack for predicting match outcomes have made him a household name. This page is dedicated to his predictions for the 2013-14 season, a season that was chock-full of surprises, upsets, and unforgettable moments. From the rise of new footballing stars to the fall of established giants, Lawro was there, making his predictions with his trademark wit and wisdom. So, whether you’re a die-hard football fan, a casual observer, or a newbie looking to learn more about the game, this page is your ticket to reliving one of the most exciting seasons in recent memory. So, lace up your boots, put on your scarf, and get ready to dive into the world of Mark Lawrenson’s Predictions 2013-14. It’s a game of two halves, and Lawro’s got the inside scoop!

Lawrenson's Predictions MD 38Current Premier League Table
1Manchester City 38681001Manchester City 386586
2Chelsea 3847902Liverpool 385184
3Manchester United 3847853Chelsea 384482
4Liverpool 3839814Arsenal 382779
5Arsenal 3834745Everton 382272
6Tottenham Hotspur3815646Tottenham Hotspur 38469
7Southampton384587Manchester United 382164
8Everton 385528Southampton 38856
9Stoke City38-10449Stoke City 38-750
10Aston Villa 38-54310Newcastle United 38-1649
11Newcastle United38-174211Crystal Palace 38-1545
12Swansea City38-154112Swansea City 38042
13 West Bromwich Albion38-194013West Ham United 38-1140
14Fulham 38-204014Sunderland 38-1938
15Crystal Palace38-213815Aston Villa 38-2238
16Norwich City38-223816Hull City 38-1537
17West Ham United38-193517West Bromwich Albion38-1636
18Hull City38-313318Norwich City (Rel)38-3433
19Sunderland 38-322519Fulham (Rel)38-4532
20Cardiff City38-481420Cardiff City (Rel)38-4230
The 2013-14 Premier League Table, according to Mark Lawrenson's predictionsThe Current 2013-14 Premier League Table for comparison purposes
Mark Lawrenson's Premier League Predictions Season 2013-14
Mark Lawrenson's Perfect ScoreMark Lawrenson's Correct ResultMark Lawrenson's Wrong Prediction
MATCHDAY 36 (26/04/14)RESMATCHDAY 37 (03/05/14)RESMATCHDAY 38 (11/05/14)RES
Southampton 2-1 Everton2-0 West Ham 1-1 Tottenham2-0 Cardiff 0-2 Chelsea1-2
Fulham 2-1 Hull2-2Aston Villa 2-0 Hull3-1Fulham 1-1 Crystal Palace2-2
Stoke 1-2 Tottenham0-1Man Utd 2-0 Sunderland0-1Hull 2-1 Everton0-2
Swansea 2-0 Aston Villa4-1Newcastle 2-1 Cardiff3-0Liverpool 3-0 Newcastle2-1
West Brom 2-1 West Ham1-0Stoke 2-1 Fulham4-1Man City 2-0 West Ham2-0
Man Utd 2-0 Norwich 4-0Swansea 1-1 Southampton0-1Norwich 1-1 Arsenal0-2
Sunderland 2-0 Cardiff4-0Everton 0-2 Man City 2-3Southampton 2-1 Man Utd1-1
Liverpool 2-0 Chelsea0-2 Arsenal 3-0 West Brom1-0Sunderland 2-1 Swansea1-3
Crystal Palace 1-1 Man City 0-2Chelsea 2-0 Norwich 0-0Tottenham 2-0 Aston Villa3-0
Arsenal 2-0 Newcastle 3-0 Crystal Palace 1-1 Liverpool 3-3West Brom 1-2 Stoke 1-2
0 Perfect Scores, 7 Correct Results, 3 Wrong Man Utd 0-0* Hull 3-12 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 4 Wrong
39 Perfect Scores, 153 Correct Results, 165 Wrong Man City 0-0* Aston Villa4-041 Perfect Scores, 163 Correct Results, 176 Wrong
Sunderland 0-0* West Brom2-0
0 Perfect Scores, 6 Correct Results, 7 Wrong*Default Prediction
39 Perfect Scores, 159 Correct Results, 172 Wrong
MATCHDAY 33 (05/04/14)RESMATCHDAY 34 (12/04/14)RESMATCHDAY 35 (19/04/14)RES
Man City 2-0 Southampton4-1 Crystal Palace 2-1 Aston Villa1-0 Tottenham 2-1 Fulham3-1
Aston Villa 2-0 Fulham1-2Fulham 2-0 Norwich1-0Aston Villa 1-1 Southampton0-0
Cardiff 1-1 Crystal Palace0-3Southampton 2-0 Cardiff0-1Cardiff 1-1 Stoke1-1
Hull 2-1 Swansea1-0Stoke 2-0 Newcastle1-0Newcastle 2-0 Swansea1-2
Newcastle 1-2 Man Utd0-4Sunderland 0-2 Everton0-1West Ham 1-1 Crystal Palace0-1
Norwich 2-1 West Brom0-1West Brom 1-1 Tottenham 3-3Chelsea 2-0 Sunderland1-2
Chelsea 2-0 Stoke 3-0 Liverpool 1-1 Man City3-2 Norwich 0-2 Liverpool2-3
Everton 1-1 Arsenal3-0Swansea 1-1 Chelsea 0-1Hull 1-2 Arsenal 0-3
West Ham 1-2 Liverpool 1-2Arsenal 0-0* West Ham (15.04)3-1Everton 1-1 Man Utd 2-0
Tottenham 2-0 Sunderland 5-1 Everton 1-1 Crystal Palace (16.04)2-3 Man City 3-0 West Brom 3-1
1 Perfect Score, 5 Correct Results, 4 WrongMan City 2-0 Sunderland (16.04)2-21 Perfect Score, 5 Correct Results, 4 Wrong
38 Perfect Scores, 136 Correct Results, 152 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 5 Correct Results, 6 Wrong39 Perfect Scores, 146 Correct Results, 162 Wrong
38 Perfect Scores, 141 Correct Results, 158 Wrong
MATCHDAY 31 (22/03/14)RESRE-ARRANGED GAMES (25/03/14)RESMATCHDAY 32 (29/03/14)RES
Chelsea 2-0 Arsenal6-0 Arsenal 0-0* Swansea2-2 Man Utd 2-0 Aston Villa4-1
Cardiff 0-2 Liverpool3-6Man Utd 0-0* Man City0-3Crystal Palace 0-2 Chelsea1-0
Everton 2-0 Swansea3-2Newcastle 0-0* Everton 0-3Southampton 2-0 Newcastle4-0
Hull 1-1 West Brom2-0 West Ham 0-0* Hull 2-1Stoke 2-0 Hull1-0
Man City 3-0 Fulham5-0 Liverpool 0-0* Sunderland 2-1Swansea 2-1 Norwich3-0
Newcastle 1-1 Crystal Palace1-00 Perfect Scores, 1 Correct Result, 4 WrongWest Brom 2-0 Cardiff3-3
Norwich 1-0 Sunderland2-037 Perfect Scores, 125 Correct Results, 144 WrongArsenal 0-2 Man City 1-1
West Ham 0-2 Man Utd 0-2 Fulham 1-2 Everton1-3
Tottenham 1-2 Southampton 3-2*Default PredictionLiverpool 2-0 Tottenham 4-0
Aston Villa 2-1 Stoke 1-4 Sunderland 2-1 West Ham 1-2
1 Perfect Score, 5 Correct Results, 4 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 6 Correct Results, 4 Wrong
37 Perfect Scores, 124 Correct Results, 140 Wrong37 Perfect Scores, 131 Correct Results, 148 Wrong
MATCHDAY 28 (01/03/14)RESMATCHDAY 29 (08/03/14)RESMATCHDAY 30 (15/03/14)RES
Everton 1-1 West Ham1-0 West Brom 0-2 Man Utd0-3 Hull 0-2 Man City0-2
Fulham 0-2 Chelsea1-3Cardiff 1-1 Fulham3-1Everton 2-0 Cardiff2-1
Hull 2-1 Newcastle1-4Crystal Palace 2-1 Southampton0-1Fulham 1-1 Newcastle1-0
Stoke 1-1 Arsenal1-0Norwich 1-1 Stoke1-1Southampton 2-0 Norwich4-2
Southampton 0-2 Liverpool 0-3Chelsea 2-0 Tottenham 4-0Stoke 2-1 West Ham3-1
Aston Villa 2-0 Norwich4-11 Perfect Score, 2 Correct Results, 2 WrongSunderland 0-1 Crystal Palace0-0
Swansea 2-1 Crystal Palace1-135 Perfect Scores, 115 Correct Results, 131 WrongSwansea 2-0 West Brom1-2
Tottenham 2-0 Cardiff 1-0Aston Villa 1-2 Chelsea 1-0
0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 4 Wrong Man Utd 1-2 Liverpool0-3
34 Perfect Scores, 113 Correct Results, 129 WrongTottenham 1-1 Arsenal 0-1
1 Perfect Score, 4 Correct Results, 5 Wrong
36 Perfect Scores, 119 Correct Results, 136 Wrong
MATCHDAY 25 (08/02/14)RESMATCHDAY 26 (11/02/14)RESMATCHDAY 27 (22/02/14)RES
Liverpool 2-1 Arsenal5-1 Cardiff 1-1 Aston Villa0-0 Chelsea 2-0 Everton1-0
Aston Villa 2-0 West Ham0-2Hull 2-1 Southampton0-1Arsenal 2-0 Sunderland4-1
Chelsea 2-0 Newcastle3-0West Ham 2-1 Norwich2-0Cardiff 1-1 Hull0-4
Crystal Palace 2-0 West Brom3-1West Brom 0-2 Chelsea 1-1Man City 3-0 Stoke1-0
Norwich 0-2 Man City0-0 Arsenal 1-1 Man Utd0-0West Brom 2-0 Fulham1-1
Southampton 2-0 Stoke2-2Everton 1-1 Crystal PalacePPWest Ham 1-1 Southampton3-1
Sunderland 1-1 Hull0-2Man City 2-0 SunderlandPPCrystal Palace 0-2 Man Utd 0-2
Swansea 2-0 Cardiff 3-0Newcastle 2-1 Tottenham0-4 Liverpool 3-0 Swansea4-3
Tottenham 2-1 Everton1-0Stoke 2-1 Swansea1-1Newcastle 1-1 Aston Villa1-0
Man Utd 3-0 Fulham 2-2Fulham 1-1 Liverpool 2-3Norwich 0-2 Tottenham 1-0
0 Perfect Scores, 5 Correct Results, 5 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 3 Correct Results, 5 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 4 Correct Results, 5 Wrong
33 Perfect Scores, 102 Correct Results, 115 Wrong33 Perfect Scores, 105 Correct Results, 120 Wrong34 Perfect Scores, 109 Correct Results, 125 Wrong
MATCHDAY 22 (18/01/14)RESMATCHDAY 23 (28/01/14)RESMATCHDAY 24 (01/02/14)RES
Sunderland 1-1 Southampton2-2 Man Utd 2-0 Cardiff2-0 Newcastle 2-0 Sunderland0-3
Arsenal 3-0 Fulham2-0Norwich 1-1 Newcastle 0-0West Ham 2-1 Swansea2-0
Crystal Palace 2-1 Stoke1-0 Southampton 1-1 Arsenal2-2Cardiff 1-1 Norwich2-1
Man City 4-0 Cardiff4-2Swansea 2-0 Fulham2-0Everton 1-1 Aston Villa2-1
Norwich 2-0 Hull1-0Crystal Palace 2-0 Hull1-0Fulham 1-1 Southampton0-3
West Ham 2-1 Newcastle1-3Liverpool 2-1 Everton4-0Hull 2-1 Tottenham1-1
Liverpool 2-0 Aston Villa2-2 Aston Villa 2-0 West Brom4-3Stoke 0-2 Man Utd 2-1
Swansea 1-1 Tottenham1-3Chelsea 2-0 West Ham0-0 West Brom 1-1 Liverpool1-1
Chelsea 2-0 Man Utd3-1Sunderland 1-1 Stoke1-0Arsenal 3-0 Crystal Palace 2-0
West Brom 1-1 Everton1-1Tottenham 0-2 Man City 1-5 Man City 2-0 Chelsea 0-1
1 Perfect Score, 6 Correct Results, 3 Wrong2 Perfect Scores, 6 Correct Results, 2 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 2 Correct Result, 7 Wrong
30 Perfect Scores, 89 Correct Results, 101 Wrong32 Perfect Scores, 95 Correct Results, 103 Wrong33 Perfect Scores, 97 Correct Results, 110 Wrong
MATCHDAY 19 (28/12/13)RESMATCHDAY 20 (01/01/14)RESMATCHDAY 21 (11/01/14)RES
West Ham 2-1 West Brom3-3 Swansea 0-2 Man City2-3 Hull 0-2 Chelsea0-2
Aston Villa 2-0 Swansea1-1Arsenal 3-0 Cardiff2-0Cardiff 2-0 West Ham0-2
Hull 1-1 Fulham6-0Crystal Palace 1-1 Norwich1-1Everton 2-0 Norwich2-0
Man City 3-0 Crystal Palace1-0Fulham 2-1 West Ham2-1Fulham 2-0 Sunderland1-4
Norwich 0-2 Man Utd0-1Liverpool 3-0 Hull2-0Southampton 2-0 West Brom1-0
Cardiff 1-1 Sunderland 2-2Southampton 1-1 Chelsea0-3Tottenham 2-0 Crystal Palace2-0
Everton 1-1 Southampton2-1Stoke 1-1 Everton1-1Man Utd 2-0 Swansea 2-0
Newcastle 0-2 Arsenal0-1Sunderland 2-1 Aston Villa0-1 Newcastle 0-2 Man City0-2
Chelsea 2-0 Liverpool2-1West Brom 2-0 Newcastle1-0Stoke 1-1 Liverpool 3-5
Tottenham 2-0 Stoke 3-0Man Utd 2-1 Tottenham 1-2 Aston Villa 1-1 Arsenal 1-2
0 Perfect Scores, 6 Correct Results, 4 Wrong3 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 3 Wrong5 Perfect Scores, 1 Correct Result, 4 Wrong
21 Perfect Scores, 78 Correct Results, 91 Wrong24 Perfect Scores, 82 Correct Results, 94 Wrong29 Perfect Scores, 83 Correct Results, 98 Wrong
MATCHDAY 16 (14/12/13)RESMATCHDAY 17 (21/12/13)RESMATCHDAY 18 (26/12/13)RES
Man City 2-1 Arsenal6-3 Liverpool 2-0 Cardiff3-1 Hull 0-2 Man Utd2-3
Cardiff 1-1 West Brom1-0Crystal Palace 1-1 Newcastle0-3Aston Villa 1-1 Crystal Palace0-1
Chelsea 2-0 Crystal Palace2-1Fulham 0-2 Man City2-4Cardiff 1-1 Southampton0-3
Everton 2-0 Fulham4-1Man Utd 2-0 West Ham3-1Chelsea 2-0 Swansea1-0
Newcastle 1-2 Southampton1-1Stoke 1-0 Aston Villa2-1Everton 2-0 Sunderland0-1
West Ham 2-0 Sunderland0-0Sunderland 2-1 Norwich0-0Newcastle 2-1 Stoke5-1
Hull 1-1 Stoke 0-0West Brom 2-1 Hull 1-1Norwich 2-1 Fulham1-2
Aston Villa 0-2 Man Utd0-3 Southampton 2-1 Tottenham2-3Tottenham 1-2 West Brom1-1
Norwich 2-0 Swansea1-1Swansea 2-1 Everton 1-2West Ham 1-2 Arsenal1-3
Tottenham 2-0 Liverpool 0-5Arsenal 2-1 Chelsea0-0Man City 2-0 Liverpool2-1
0 Perfect Scores, 5 Correct Results, 5 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 5 Correct Results, 5 Wrong
21 Perfect Scores, 63 Correct Results, 76 Wrong21 Perfect Scores, 67 Correct Results, 82 Wrong21 Perfect Scores, 72 Correct Results, 87 Wrong
MATCHDAY 13 (30/11/13)RESMATCHDAY 14 (01/12/13)RESMATCHDAY 15 (07/12/13)RES
Aston Villa 2-0 Sunderland0-0Crystal Palace 1-1 West Ham1-0 Man Utd 2-0 Newcastle0-1
Cardiff 0-2 Arsenal0-3 Arsenal 2-0 Hull2-0Crystal Palace 2-1 Cardiff2-0
Everton 2-0 Stoke4-0Fulham 1-2 Tottenham1-2Liverpool 2-0 West Ham4-1
Norwich 2-1 Crystal Palace1-0Liverpool 3-0 Norwich5-1Southampton 0-2 Man City1-1
West Ham 1-1 Fulham3-0Man Utd 2-0 Everton0-1Stoke 0-2 Chelsea3-2
Newcastle 1-1 West Brom 2-1Southampton 2-1 Aston Villa2-3West Brom 1-1 Norwich0-2
Tottenham 2-2 Man Utd2-2Stoke 2-0 Cardiff0-0Sunderland 1-2 Tottenham 1-2
Hull 0-2 Liverpool3-1Sunderland 0-2 Chelsea3-4 Fulham 2-1 Aston Villa2-0
Chelsea 2-0 Southampton3-1Swansea 1-2 Newcastle3-0Arsenal 2-0 Everton 1-1
Man City 2-0 Swansea 3-0West Brom 0-2 Man City 2-3Swansea 1-1 Hull1-1
1 Perfect Score, 5 Correct Results, 4 Wrong2 Perfect Scores, 3 Correct Results, 5 Wrong 2 Perfect Scores, 3 Correct Results, 5 Wrong
17 Perfect Scores, 52 Correct Results, 61 Wrong19 Perfect Scores, 55 Correct Results, 66 Wrong21 Perfect Scores, 58 Correct Results, 71 Wrong
MATCHDAY 10 (02/11/13)RESMATCHDAY 11 (09/11/13)RESMATCHDAY 12 (23/11/13)RES
Newcastle 0-2 Chelsea2-0 Aston Villa 2-0 Cardiff2-0 Everton 1-1 Liverpool3-3
Fulham 0-2 Man Utd1-3Chelsea 2-0 West Brom2-2Arsenal 2-0 Southampton2-0
Hull 1-1 Sunderland1-0Crystal Palace 0-2 Everton0-0Fulham 2-1 Swansea1-2
Man City 3-0 Norwich7-0Liverpool 3-0 Fulham4-0Hull 2-1 Crystal Palace0-1
Stoke 2-1 Southampton1-1Southampton 2-0 Hull4-1Newcastle 2-1 Norwich2-1
West Brom 2-0 Crystal Palace2-0Norwich 2-0 West Ham 3-1Stoke 2-0 Sunderland2-0
West Ham 1-1 Aston Villa0-0 Tottenham 2-0 Newcastle0-1West Ham 1-1 Chelsea 0-3
Arsenal 1-1 Liverpool2-0Sunderland 0-2 Man City1-0 Man City 2-0 Tottenham6-0
Everton 2-1 Tottenham0-0Man Utd 1-1 Arsenal1-0Cardiff 0-2 Man Utd 2-2
Cardiff 1-2 Swansea 1-0Swansea 2-1 Stoke 3-3 West Brom 1-1 Aston Villa 2-2
1 Perfect Score, 3 Correct Results,6 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong3 Perfect Scores, 3 Correct Result, 4 Wrong
12 Perfect Scores, 41 Correct Results, 47 Wrong13 Perfect Scores, 44 Correct Results, 53 Wrong16 Perfect Scores, 47 Correct Results, 57 Wrong
MATCHDAY 7 (05/10/13)RESMATCHDAY 8 (19/10/13)RESMATCHDAY 9 (26/10/13)RES
Man City 2-0 Everton3-1 Newcastle 1-1 Liverpool2-2 Crystal Palace 0-2 Arsenal0-2
Cardiff 1-2 Newcastle1-2Arsenal 2-0 Norwich4-1Aston Villa 1-1 Everton0-2
Fulham 2-0 Stoke1-0Chelsea 3-0 Cardiff4-1Liverpool 2-0 West Brom4-1
Hull 1-1 Aston Villa0-0Everton 2-0 Hull2-1Man Utd 2-0 Stoke3-2
Liverpool 2-0 Crystal Palace3-1Man Utd 2-0 Southampton1-1Norwich 2-1 Cardiff0-0
Sunderland 0-2 Man Utd 1-2Stoke 2-1 West Brom0-0Southampton 1-1 Fulham 2-0
Norwich 1-2 Chelsea1-3Swansea 2-1 Sunderland4-0 Sunderland 1-1 Newcastle2-1
Southampton 2-1 Swansea2-0West Ham 1-1 Man City 1-3Chelsea 1-2 Man City2-1
Tottenham 2-0 West Ham0-3 Aston Villa 1-1 Tottenham 0-2Swansea 2-0 West Ham0-0
West Brom 1-1 Arsenal 1-1Crystal Palace 1-2 Fulham1-4Tottenham 3-0 Hull 1-0
2 Perfect Scores, 7 Correct Results, 1 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 6 Correct Results, 4 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
10 Perfect Scores, 29 Correct Results, 31 Wrong10 Perfect Scores, 35 Correct Results, 35 Wrong11 Perfect Scores, 38 Correct Results, 41 Wrong
MATCHDAY 4 (14/09/13)RESMATCHDAY 5 (21/09/13)RESMATCHDAY 6 (28/09/13)RES
Man Utd 3-0 Crystal Palace2-0 Norwich 1-1 Aston Villa0-1 Tottenham 1-1 Chelsea1-1
Aston Villa 2-1 Newcastle1-2Liverpool 2-0 Southampton0-1Aston Villa 0-2 Man City3-2
Fulham 2-0 West Brom1-1Newcastle 2-0 Hull2-3Fulham 2-1 Cardiff1-2
Hull 1-1 Cardiff1-1West Brom 2-1 Sunderland3-0Hull 2-1 West Ham1-0
Stoke 1-1 Man City0-0West Ham 2-1 Everton2-3Man Utd 3-0 West Brom1-2
Sunderland 0-2 Arsenal1-3Chelsea 2-0 Fulham2-0Southampton 2-0 Crystal Palace2-0
Tottenham 2-0 Norwich2-0Arsenal 2-0 Stoke3-1Swansea 1-1 Arsenal1-2
Everton 1-1 Chelsea1-0Crystal Palace 2-1 Swansea0-2Stoke 2-1 Norwich0-1
Southampton 2-1 West Ham0-0Cardiff 0-2 Tottenham0-1Sunderland 1-1 Liverpool1-3
Swansea 1-1 Liverpool2-2Man City 0-0 Man Utd 4-1Everton 2-1 Newcastle 3-2
2 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 4 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong2 Perfect Scores, 2 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
5 Perfect Scores, 17 Correct Results, 18 Wrong6 Perfect Scores, 20 Correct Results, 24 Wrong8 Perfect Scores, 22 Correct Results, 30 Wrong
MATCHDAY 1 (17/08/13)RESMATCHDAY 2 (24/08/13)RESMATCHDAY 3 (31/08/12)RES
Liverpool 1-0 Stoke1-0Chelsea 2-0 Aston Villa (21.08)2-1 Man City 3-0 Hull2-0
Arsenal 2-0 Aston Villa1-3 Fulham 1-1 Arsenal1-3Cardiff 1-1 Everton0-0
Norwich 2-1 Everton2-2Everton 2-1 West Brom0-0Newcastle 2-1 Fulham1-0
Sunderland 1-1 Fulham0-1Hull 1-1 Norwich1-0Norwich 2-0 Southampton1-0
West Brom 2-1 Southampton0-1Newcastle 2-1 West Ham0-0West Ham 2-1 Stoke0-1
West Ham 2-0 Cardiff2-0Southampton 2-0 Sunderland1-1Crystal Palace 1-0 Sunderland3-1
Swansea 1-1 Man Utd1-4Stoke 2-0 Crystal Palace2-1Liverpool 1-1 Man Utd1-0
Crystal Palace 1-2 Tottenham0-1Aston Villa 1-2 Liverpool0-1West Brom 2-0 Swansea0-2
Chelsea 2-0 Hull2-0Cardiff 0-2 Man City3-2Arsenal 2-1 Tottenham 1-0
Man City 2-0 Newcastle 4-0Tottenham 2-0 Swansea1-00 Perfect Scores, 6 Correct Results, 3 Wrong
3 Perfect Scores, 2 Correct Results, 5 WrongMan Utd 1-1 Chelsea 0-03 Perfect Scores, 13 Correct Results, 14 Wrong
0 Perfect Scores, 5 Correct Result, 6 Wrong
n3 Perfect Scores, 7 Correct Results, 11 Wrongn
#Club / Matchday1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738Tot
1Manchester City 33311331333333333333333333333133131313100
2Chelsea 3311313303313333033133303333333331303390
3Manchester United 1113133333131333333330333133031331331085
4Liverpool 3311313131313330300313313133331331331381
5Arsenal 3133311331133330333313130131101011333174
6Tottenham Hotspur3303313130301333003031003033010031331364
8Everton 0311030313313003031131010101331313100052
9Stoke City0301030303030301300110100301130303103347
10Aston Villa 0003101111313000013010313113030301031043
11Newcastle United0330303110031300130000130310111000303042
12Swansea City1001010333300010300001303003301301031041
13West Bromwich Albion3030301003011011330301010030013010301040
14Fulham 1103033310031030001330010100110003030140
15Crystal Palace0030300000000130110103303100331013111138
16Norwich City3130100030303013030103110000103030000138
17West Ham United3030300101011103003003030311001001101035
18Hull City0101031001030011001000031313011030001333
19Sunderland 1000010011000000301301101000013000301325
20Cardiff City0011000000000001011030010110100010100014

Mark Lawrenson’s Premier League Predictions 2013-14

Mark Lawrenson, a renowned football pundit for the BBC, is well-known for his weekly Premier League predictions. In the 2013-14 season, Lawrenson’s predictions stirred up quite a buzz among football enthusiasts. This page is dedicated to revisiting those predictions, comparing them with the actual results, and delving into the accuracy of Lawrenson’s football foresight.

Lawrenson’s Predictions vs. Actual Results

Throughout the 2013-14 Premier League season, Lawrenson made predictions for each matchday. These predictions were then compared with the actual results, providing a fascinating insight into the accuracy of his football knowledge. The comparison between Lawrenson’s predicted Premier League table and the actual table offers a unique perspective on the season.

Goal Difference and Points

One of the most intriguing aspects of Lawrenson’s predictions is the goal difference and points. By comparing his predicted goal difference and points for each team with the actual figures, we can gain a deeper understanding of Lawrenson’s insight into the teams’ performances. This comparison not only highlights the accuracy of his predictions but also sheds light on the unpredictability of the Premier League.

Matchday by Matchday Predictions

Lawrenson’s matchday by matchday predictions for the 2013-14 Premier League season provide a detailed overview of his foresight. By revisiting these predictions, we can relive the excitement of each matchday and appreciate the complexity of predicting football results. Whether you’re a casual fan or a football fanatic, these predictions are sure to pique your interest.

So, whether you’re a fan of Mark Lawrenson’s punditry or simply a football enthusiast keen to revisit the 2013-14 Premier League season, this page offers a wealth of information. Dive in and explore the world of football predictions!