Mark Lawrenson’s Predictions 2015-16

Welcome to the Mark Lawrenson’s Predictions for the 2015-16 season! If you’re a football enthusiast who loves to dive into the nitty-gritty of match predictions, then you’re in for a treat. Our beloved Mark Lawrenson, the former Liverpool and Ireland defender turned BBC football pundit, has been busy with his crystal ball, forecasting the outcomes of all the Premier League matches. From the nail-biting clashes of the titans to the underdog victories that left us all in awe, Lawrenson’s predictions have been a rollercoaster ride of footballing drama. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the ‘Red Devils’, a loyal ‘Gooner’, or a steadfast supporter of the ‘Blues’, Lawrenson’s insights will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, are you ready to relive the 2015-16 season through the eyes of one of football’s most respected pundits? Let’s dive into the world of Mark Lawrenson’s Predictions and explore the highs, the lows, and the downright unexpected turns of this unforgettable season. Buckle up, folks, it’s going to be a thrilling ride!

Lawro's Premier League Table 2015-16Premier League Table 2015-16
1Manchester City 3858951Leicester City (Champ)383281
2Arsenal 3848892Arsenal382971
3Chelsea 3834773Tottenham Hotspur383470
4Liverpool 3826744Manchester City383066
5Tottenham Hotspur 3825705Manchester United381466
6Southampton 3813656Southampton381863
7West Bromwich Albion 388647West Ham United381462
8Manchester United3823638Liverpool381360
9Everton 38-1529Stoke City38-1451
10Crystal Palace 38-75010Chelsea38650
11Newcastle United 38-124511Everton38447
12Leicester City 38-64212Swansea City38-1047
13Stoke City 38-114113Watford38-1045
14AFC Bournemouth38-193814West Bromwich Albion38-1443
15Norwich City38-253715Crystal Palace38-1242
16Sunderland 38-223316AFC Bournemouth38-2242
17Swansea City38-223317Sunderland38-1439
18West Ham United 38-223218Newcastle United (Rel)38-2137
19Watford38-262919Norwich City (Rel)38-2834
20Aston Villa 38-62620Aston Villa (Rel)38-4917
The 2015-16 Premier League Table, according to Mark Lawrenson's predictionsThe Current 2015-16 Premier League Table for comparison purposes
Mark Lawrenson's Premier League Predictions Season 2015-16
Mark Lawrenson's Perfect ScoreMark Lawrenson's Correct ResultMark Lawrenson's Wrong Prediction
Matchday 36 (30/04/16)ResultMatchday 37 (07/05/16)ResultMatchday 36 (30/04/16)Result
Everton 2-1 Bournemouth2-1 Norwich 0-2 Man Utd0-1Arsenal 3-0 Aston Villa4-0
Newcastle 2-0 Crystal Palace1-0Aston Villa 1-2 Newcastle0-0Chelsea 1-1 Leicester1-1
Stoke 1-1 Sunderland1-1Bournemouth 1-1 West Brom1-1Everton 2-1 Norwich3-0
Watford 2-0 Aston Villa3-2Crystal Palace 0-1 Stoke2-1Man Utd 2-0 Bournemouth3-1
West Brom 2-1 West Ham0-3Sunderland 1-1 Chelsea3-2Newcastle 1-2 Tottenham5-1
Arsenal 2-0 Norwich 1-0West Ham 2-0 Swansea1-4Southampton 2-0 Crystal Palace4-1
Swansea 1-1 Liverpool3-1Leicester 1-1 Everton 3-1Stoke 1-1 West Ham2-1
Man Utd 1-1 Leicester1-1Tottenham 1-1 Southampton1-2Swansea 1-1 Man City1-1
Southampton 0-2 Man City 4-2Liverpool 2-0 Watford2-0Watford 2-1 Sunderland2-2
Chelsea 1-1 Tottenham2-2Man City 2-1 Arsenal2-2West Brom 2-1 Liverpool1-1
3 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 3 WrongWest Ham 0-0* Man Utd (10.05)3-22 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 4 Wrong
35 Perfect Scores, 134 Correct Results, 187 WrongNorwich 0-0* Watford (11.05)4-239 Perfect Scores, 140 Correct Results, 201 Wrong
Sunderland 0-0* Everton (11.05)3-0
Liverpool 0-0* Chelsea (11.05)1-1*Default Predictions
2 Perfect Scores, 2 Correct Results, 10 Wrong 37 Perfect Scores, 136 Correct Results, 197 Wrong
10 Wrong 37 Perfect Scores, 136 Correct Results, 197 Wrong
Matchday 34 (16/04/16)ResultRe-Arranged Fixtures (19/04/16)ResultMatchday 35 (23/04/16)Result
Crystal Palace 2-1 Everton (13.04)0-0 Newcastle 0-2 Man City1-1Aston Villa 0-2 Southampton2-4
Norwich 1-1 Sunderland0-3West Ham 2-0 Watford (20.04)3-1Bournemouth 1-1 Chelsea1-4
Everton 2-1 Southampton1-1Liverpool 2-1 Everton (20.04)4-0Liverpool 2-0 Newcastle2-2
Man Utd 3-0 Aston Villa1-0Man Utd 2-0 Crystal Palace (20.04)2-0Man City 2-0 Stoke4-0
Newcastle 2-1 Swansea3-0 Arsenal 2-0 West Brom (21.04)2-0Sunderland 1-1 Arsenal0-0
West Brom 2-1 Watford0-12 Perfect Scores, 2 Correct Results, 1 WrongLeicester 1-1 Swansea4-0
Chelsea 1-2 Man City0-332 Perfect Scores, 127 Correct Results, 180 Wrong Tottenham 3-0 West Brom 1-1
Bournemouth 1-1 Liverpool1-20 Perfect Scores, 3 Correct Results, 4 Wrong
Leicester 2-1 West Ham2-232 Perfect Scores, 130 Correct Results, 184 Wrong
Arsenal 2-0 Crystal Palace1-1
Stoke 0-2 Tottenham 0-4
0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 7 Wrong
30 Perfect Scores, 125 Correct Results, 179 Wrong
Matchday 31 (19/03/16)ResultMatchday 32 (02/04/16)ResultMatchday 33 (09/04/16)Result
Everton 1-1 Arsenal0-2 Aston Villa 0-2 Chelsea0-4West Ham 1-2 Arsenal3-3
Chelsea 1-1 West Ham2-2Arsenal 2-0 Watford4-0Aston Villa 1-2 Bournemouth1-2
Crystal Palace 2-1 Leicester City0-1Bournemouth 1-1 Man City0-4Crystal Palace 2-0 Norwich1-0
Watford 2-1 Stoke City1-2Norwich 2-1 Newcastle3-2Southampton 2-0 Newcastle3-1
West Brom 2-0 Norwich0-1Stoke 2-1 Swansea2-2Swansea 0-2 Chelsea1-0
Swansea 2-0 Aston Villa1-0Sunderland 1-1 West Brom0-0Watford 1-1 Everton1-1
Newcastle 1-1 Sunderland1-1West Ham 2-1 Crystal Palace2-2Man City 2-0 West Brom2-1
Southampton 2-1 Liverpool3-2Liverpool 1-1 Tottenham 1-1Sunderland 1-1 Leicester0-2
Man City 2-0 Man United0-1 Leicester 2-0 Southampton1-0Liverpool 2-1 Stoke4-1
Tottenham 2-1 Bournemouth3-0Man Utd 1-1 Everton 1-0Tottenham 2-0 Man Utd3-0
1 Perfect Score, 4 Correct Results, 5 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 5 Correct Results, 4 Wrong2 Perfect Scores, 5 Correct Results, 3 Wrong
27 Perfect Scores, 111 Correct Results, 165 Wrong28 Perfect Scores, 116 Correct Results, 169 Wrong30 Perfect Scores, 121 Correct Results, 172 Wrong
Matchday 28 (01/03/16)ResultMatchday 29 (05/03/16)ResultMatchday 30 (12/03/16)Result
Aston Villa 0-2 Everton1-3Tottenham 1-1 Arsenal2-2Norwich 0-2 Man City0-0
Bournemouth 2-1 Southampton2-0Chelsea 2-0 Stoke1-1Bournemouth 2-0 Swansea3-2
Leicester 1-1 West Brom2-2Everton 1-1 West Ham2-3Man Utd v Crystal PalacePP
Norwich 0-2 Chelsea1-2Man City 3-0 Aston Villa4-0Stoke 2-0 Southampton1-2
Sunderland 2-1 Crystal Palace 2-2Newcastle 2-1 Bournemouth1-3Sunderland v EvertonPP
Arsenal 2-0 Swansea1-2Southampton 2-0 Sunderland1-1West Ham v WatfordPP
Stoke 2-0 Newcastle1-0Swansea 2-1 Norwich1-0Arsenal v West BromPP
West Ham 1-1 Tottenham1-0Watford 1-2 Leicester0-1Aston Villa 0-2 Tottenham0-2
Liverpool 1-1 Man City3-0Crystal Palace 1-1 Liverpool1-2Liverpool v ChelseaPP
Man Utd 1-2 Watford1-0West Brom 1-1 Man Utd1-0 Leicester 2-0 Newcastle 1-0
0 Perfect Scores, 5 Correct Results, 5 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 2 Correct Results, 2 Wrong
25 Perfect Scores, 101 Correct Results, 152 Wrong25 Perfect Scores, 105 Correct Results, 158 Wrong26 Perfect Scores, 107 Correct Results, 160 Wrong
Matchday 25 (06/02/16)ResultMatchday 26 (13/02/16)ResultMatchday 27 (27/02/16)Result
Man City 2-1 Leicester1-3 Sunderland 0-2 Man Utd2-1 West Ham 2-1 Sunderland1-0
Aston Villa 0-2 Norwich2-0Bournemouth 2-0 Stoke1-3Leicester 2-0 Norwich1-0
Liverpool 2-1 Sunderland2-2Crystal Palace 2-1 Watford1-2Southampton 1-1 Chelsea1-2
Newcastle 2-1 West Brom1-0Everton 2-0 West Brom0-1Stoke 2-0 Aston Villa2-1
Stoke 1-1 Everton0-3Norwich 2-0 West Ham2-2Watford 2-0 Bournemouth0-0
Swansea 2-2 Crystal Palace1-1Swansea 0-2 Southampton0-1West Brom 2-1 Crystal Palace 3-2
Tottenham 2-0 Watford1-0Chelsea 2-0 Newcastle 5-1Man Utd 1-2 Arsenal3-2
Southampton 2-1 West Ham 1-0 Arsenal 1-1 Leicester2-1Tottenham 2-0 Swansea 2-1
Bournemouth 0-2 Arsenal0-2Aston Villa 0-2 Liverpool0-60 Perfect Scores, 5 Correct Results, 3 Wrong
Chelsea 1-1 Man Utd 1-1Man City 2-2 Tottenham 1-225 Perfect Scores, 96 Correct Results, 147 Wrong
2 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 4 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 3 Correct Results, 7 Wrong
25 Perfect Scores, 88 Correct Results, 137 Wrong25 Perfect Scores, 91 Correct Results, 144 Wrong
Matchday 22 (16/01/16)ResultMatchday 23 (23/01/16)ResultMatchday 24 (02/02/16)Result
Tottenham 2-0 Sunderland4-1Norwich 1-1 Liverpool4-5Arsenal 2-0 Southampton0-0
Bournemouth 2-1 Norwich3-0Crystal Palace 0-1 Tottenham1-3Leicester 1-1 Liverpool2-0
Chelsea 2-1 Everton3-3Leicester 2-1 Stoke3-0Norwich 2-1 Tottenham0-3
Man City 3-0 Crystal Palace4-0Man Utd 1-1 Southampton0-1Sunderland 0-2 Man City0-1
Newcastle 1-1 West Ham2-1Sunderland 2-1 Bournemouth1-1West Ham 2-0 Aston Villa2-0
Southampton 2-1 West Brom3-0Watford 0-2 Newcastle2-1Crystal Palace 2-0 Bournemouth1-2
Aston Villa 0-2 Leicester1-1West Brom 2-0 Aston Villa0-0Man Utd 2-0 Stoke3-0
Liverpool 1-1 Man Utd0-1West Ham 0-2 Man City2-2West Brom 2-1 Swansea1-1
Stoke 0-2 Arsenal0-0Everton 2-0 Swansea1-2Everton 2-1 Newcastle3-0
Swansea 1-1 Watford 1-0Arsenal 2-1 Chelsea0-1Watford 0-2 Chelsea0-0
0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 2 Correct Results, 8 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
22 Perfect Scores, 79 Correct Results, 119 Wrong22 Perfect Scores, 81 Correct Results, 127 Wrong23 Perfect Scores, 84 Correct Results, 133 Wrong
Matchday 19 (28/12/15)ResultMatchday 20 (02/01/16)ResultMatchday 21 (12/01/16)Result
Crystal Palace 1-1 Swansea0-0West Ham 0-2 Liverpool2-0Aston Villa 0-2 Crystal Palace1-0
Everton 2-1 Stoke3-4Arsenal 3-0 Newcastle1-0Bournemouth 2-1 West Ham1-3
Norwich 2-0 Aston Villa2-0Leicester 1-1 Bournemouth0-0Newcastle 1-1 Man Utd3-3
Watford 1-2 Tottenham1-2Man Utd 3-0 Swansea2-1Chelsea 2-0 West Brom2-2
West Brom 2-0 Newcastle1-0Norwich 2-1 Southampton1-0Man City 2-0 Everton0-0
Arsenal 2-0 Bournemouth2-0Sunderland 2-0 Aston Villa3-1Southampton 2-1 Watford2-0
Man Utd 1-1 Chelsea0-0West Brom 2-0 Stoke2-1Stoke 2-0 Norwich3-1
West Ham 0-2 Southampton2-1Watford 1-1 Man City1-2Swansea 1-1 Sunderland2-4
Leicester 1-2 Man City 0-0Crystal Palace 1-2 Chelsea0-3Liverpool 1-1 Arsenal3-3
Sunderland 0-2 Liverpool 0-1Everton 2-1 Tottenham1-1Tottenham 2-0 Leicester0-1
3 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 3 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 7 Correct Results, 3 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
22 Perfect Scores, 64 Correct Results, 104 Wrong22 Perfect Scores, 71 Correct Results, 107 Wrong22 Perfect Scores, 75 Correct Results, 113 Wrong
Matchday 16 (12/12/15)ResultMatchday 17 (19/12/15)ResultMatchday 18 (26/12/15)Result
Norwich 2-1 Everton1-1Chelsea 2-0 Sunderland3-1Stoke 1-1 Man Utd2-0
Crystal Palace 2-1 Southampton1-0Everton 1-1 Leicester2-3Aston Villa 1-1 West Ham1-1
Man City 3-0 Swansea2-1Man Utd 2-0 Norwich1-2Bournemouth 1-2 Crystal Palace0-0
Sunderland 1-1 Watford0-1Southampton 2-1 Tottenham0-2Chelsea 2-0 Watford2-2
West Ham 1-1 Stoke0-0Stoke 2-0 Crystal Palace1-2Liverpool 2-0 Leicester1-0
Bournemouth 1-1 Man Utd 2-1West Brom 2-1 Bournemouth1-2Man City 3-0 Sunderland4-1
Aston Villa 0-2 Arsenal0-2Newcastle 2-0 Aston Villa1-1Swansea 1-2 West Brom1-0
Liverpool 2-0 West Brom2-2Watford 1-2 Liverpool3-0Tottenham 2-0 Norwich3-0
Tottenham 1-1 Newcastle1-2Swansea 2-0 West Ham0-0Newcastle 1-2 Everton0-1
Leicester 1-1 Chelsea 2-1 Arsenal 2-1 Man City 2-1Southampton 1-2 Arsenal4-0
1 Perfect Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 1 Correct Result, 8 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 4 Correct Results, 5 Wrong
17 Perfect Scores, 55 Correct Results, 88 Wrong18 Perfect Scores, 56 Correct Results, 96 Wrong19 Perfect Scores, 60 Correct Results, 101 Wrong
Matchday 13 (21/11/15)ResultMatchday 14 (28/11/15)ResultMatchday 15 (05/12/15)Result
Watford 0-2 Man Utd1-2Aston Villa 1-1 Watford2-3Stoke 0-2 Man City2-0
Chelsea 2-0 Norwich1-0Bournemouth 2-1 Everton3-3Arsenal 2-0 Sunderland3-1
Everton 2-0 Aston Villa4-0Crystal Palace 1-1 Newcastle5-1Man Utd 2-0 West Ham0-0
Newcastle 2-1 Leicester0-3Man City 2-0 Southampton3-1Southampton 2-0 Aston Villa1-1
Southampton 2-0 Stoke0-1Sunderland 2-1 Stoke2-0Swansea 2-1 Leicester0-3
Swansea 2-1 Bournemouth2-2Leicester 1-2 Man Utd1-1Watford 2-1 Norwich2-0
West Brom 1-1 Arsenal2-1Tottenham 1-1 Chelsea0-0West Brom 1-0 Tottenham1-1
Man City 1-1 Liverpool1-4West Ham 2-1 West Brom1-1Chelsea 2-0 Bournemouth0-1
Tottenham 2-0 West Ham 4-1Liverpool 2-0 Swansea1-0 Newcastle 0-2 Liverpool 2-0
Crystal Palace 2-1 Sunderland 0-1Norwich 0-2 Arsenal1-1 Everton 1-1 Crystal Palace 1-1
0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 2 Correct Results, 7 Wrong
15 Perfect Scores, 46 Correct Results, 69 Wrong15 Perfect Scores, 50 Correct Results, 75 Wrong16 Perfect Scores, 52 Correct Results, 82 Wrong
Matchday 10 (24/10/15)ResultMatchday 11 (31/10/15)ResultMatchday 12 (07/11/15)Result
Aston Villa 1-1 Swansea1-2 Chelsea 1-1 Liverpool1-3 Bournemouth 1-1 Newcastle0-1
Leicester 1-2 Crystal Palace1-0Crystal Palace 1-1 Man Utd0-0Leicester 1-1 Watford2-1
Norwich 0-2 West Brom0-1Man City 3-0 Norwich2-1Man Utd 2-0 West Brom2-0
Stoke 2-0 Watford0-2Newcastle 2-1 Stoke0-0Norwich 2-1 Swansea1-0
West Ham 0-1 Chelsea2-1Swansea 1-1 Arsenal0-3Sunderland 1-1 Southampton0-1
Arsenal 2-0 Everton 2-1Watford 2-0 West Ham2-0West Ham 1-1 Everton1-1
Sunderland 1-1 Newcastle3-0West Brom 2-0 Leicester 2-3Stoke 1-2 Chelsea 1-0
Bournemouth 0-2 Tottenham1-5 Everton 2-1 Sunderland 6-2 Aston Villa 0-2 Man City0-0
Man Utd 1-1 Man City0-0 Southampton 2-0 Bournemouth 2-0Arsenal 1-1 Tottenham1-1
Liverpool 2-1 Southampton 1-1 Tottenham 2-0 Aston Villa 3-1Liverpool 2-1 Crystal Palace1-2
0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong2 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Results, 4 Wrong3 Perfect Scores, 1 Correct Result, 6 Wrong
10 Perfect Scores, 37 Correct Results, 53 Wrong12 Perfect Scores, 41 Correct Results, 57 Wrong15 Perfect Scores, 42 Correct Results, 63 Wrong
Matchday 7 (26/09/15)ResultMatchday 8 (03/10/15)ResultMatchday 9 (17/10/15)Result
Tottenham 0-2 Man City4-1Crystal Palace 1-1 West Brom2-0Tottenham 1-1 Liverpool0-0
Leicester 0-2 Arsenal2-5Aston Villa 1-2 Stoke0-1Chelsea 2-0 Aston Villa2-0
Liverpool 2-0 Aston Villa3-2Bournemouth 2-1 Watford1-1Crystal Palace 2-1 West Ham1-3
Man Utd 2-0 Sunderland3-0Man City 2-0 Newcastle6-1Everton 1-1 Man Utd0-3
Southampton 2-1 Swansea3-1Norwich 2-1 Leicester1-2Man City 2-0 Bournemouth5-1
Stoke 2-1 Bournemouth2-1Sunderland 2-0 West Ham2-2Southampton 2-0 Leicester2-2
West Ham 1-1 Norwich2-2Chelsea 2-1 Southampton1-3West Brom 2-0 Sunderland1-0
Newcastle 0-2 Chelsea2-2Everton 1-1 Liverpool1-1Watford 0-2 Arsenal0-3
Watford 1-2 Crystal Palace 0-1Arsenal 2-0 Man Utd3-0 Newcastle 2-0 Norwich 6-2
West Brom 2-0 Everton 2-3Swansea 1-1 Tottenham2-2 Swansea 1-1 Stoke 0-1
1 Perfect Score, 6 Correct Results, 3 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 4 Correct Results, 5 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 5 Correct Results, 4 Wrong
8 Perfect Scores, 24 Correct Results, 38 Wrong9 Perfect Scores, 28 Correct Results, 43 Wrong10 Perfect Scores, 33 Correct Results, 47 Wrong
Matchday 4 (29/08/15)ResultMatchday 5 (12/09/15)ResultMatchday 6 (19/09/15)Result
Newcastle 1-2 Arsenal0-1Everton 0-2 Chelsea3-1Chelsea 1-1 Arsenal2-0
Aston Villa 2-0 Sunderland2-2Arsenal 2-0 Stoke2-0Aston Villa 1-2 West Brom0-1
Bournemouth 1-1 Leicester1-1Crystal Palace 0-2 Man City0-1Bournemouth 2-0 Sunderland2-0
Chelsea 2-0 Crystal Palace1-2Norwich 2-1 Bournemouth3-1Newcastle 2-0 Watford1-2
Liverpool 2-0 West Ham0-3Watford 1-1 Swansea1-0Stoke 2-0 Leicester2-2
Man City 3-0 Watford2-0West Brom 1-1 Southampton0-0Swansea 1-1 Everton0-0
Stoke 1-1 West Brom0-1Man Utd 1-1 Liverpool3-1Man City 2-0 West Ham1-2
Tottenham 2-1 Everton0-0 Sunderland 1-1 Tottenham 0-1Tottenham 2-0 Crystal Palace1-0
Southampton 2-1 Norwich 3-0 Leicester 2-1 Aston Villa 3-2Liverpool 2-0 Norwich1-1
Swansea 2-1 Man Utd 2-1 West Ham 1-1 Newcastle 2-0Southampton 2-1 Man Utd2-3
2 Perfect Scores, 3 Correct Results, 5 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 4 Correct Results, 5 Wrong1 Perfect Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
5 Perfect Scores, 11 Correct Results, 24 Wrong6 Perfect Scores, 15 Correct Results, 29 Wrong7 Perfect Scores, 18 Correct Results, 35 Wrong
Matchday 1 (08/08/15)ResultMatchday 2 (14/08/15)ResultMatchday 3 (22/08/15)Result
Man Utd 2-0 Tottenham 1-0 Aston Villa 1-2 Man Utd 0-1Man Utd 2-1 Newcastle 0-0
Bournemouth 2-1 Aston Villa 0-1Southampton 2-0 Everton 0-3Crystal Palace 2-0 Aston Villa 2-1
Everton 2-1 Watford 2-2Sunderland 2-1 Norwich 1-3Leicester 1-1 Tottenham 1-1
Leicester 1-1 Sunderland 4-2Swansea 1-1 Newcastle 2-0Norwich 2-1 Stoke 1-1
Norwich 0-2 Crystal Palace 1-3Tottenham 2-1 Stoke 2-2Sunderland 1-1 Swansea 1-1
Chelsea 2-0 Swansea 2-2Watford 1-2 West Brom 0-0West Ham 2-1 Bournemouth 3-4
Arsenal 3-0 West Ham 0-2West Ham 0-2 Leicester 1-2West Brom 1-1 Chelsea 2-3
Newcastle 2-1 Southampton 2-2Crystal Palace 1-1 Arsenal 1-2Everton 0-2 Man City 0-2
Stoke 1-1 Liverpool 0-1Man City 1-0 Chelsea 3-0Watford 1-2 Southampton 0-0
West Brom 1-1 Man City 0-3Liverpool 2-0 Bournemouth 1-0 Arsenal 1-1 Liverpool 0-0
0 Perfect Scores, 2 Correct Results, 8 Wrong0 Perfect Scores, 4 Correct Result, 6 Wrong3 Perfect Scores, 2 Correct Result, 5 Wrong
0 Perfect Scores, 6 Correct Results, 14 Wrong3 Perfect Scores, 8 Correct Results, 19 Wrong
#Club / Matchday1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738Tot
1Manchester City 31311333333333333333331333133331333333102
2Chelsea 3333133333133333333333133333333111311398
3Arsenal 3131330313333313131130313333333311301383
4Manchester United 3313133300303313331333303331103111333179
5Liverpool 3113313331113330133311313013330301313174
6Southampton 0313330110300013310101333333031333111062
7Everton 1103310313131303033003110300331131010357
8Tottenham Hotspur 1311303011301031311003010333130310001049
9Hull City 0003003003030030303300303313100011131146
10West Ham United 1010003100301130301313030030030300303144
11Aston Villa 0130000031030331003001000301330100331343
12Sunderland 1001133110130003130010333100001101131041
13Stoke City 3303110313030010003000100013010003130139
14West Bromwich Albion 1000030030100101100030313101303313011038
15Newcastle United 0130311311131000100301030031001011011137
16Crystal Palace 0303030003011003010330103000310111000136
17Leicester City 1000103003000000010033030001030301310333
18Burnley 0010100110303300000033010030003003003032
19Swansea City 0330001030001301030010000000003101100126
20Queens Park Rangers 3030100000003030103300100000000103001026

Mark Lawrenson’s Premier League Predictions 2015-16

Mark Lawrenson, a name synonymous with football, has been a staple of the BBC’s football coverage for many years. His insightful analysis and predictions have become a must-read for football enthusiasts across the globe. The 2015-16 Premier League season was no different, with Lawrenson providing his expert predictions for each matchday.

Lawrenson’s predictions are not just about picking winners and losers. They delve into the intricacies of the game, considering factors such as form, injuries, and even the impact of the weather on the day of the match. His predictions also include the expected goal difference, providing a more comprehensive view of how he expects each match to unfold.

Comparing Predictions with Actual Results

One of the most fascinating aspects of Lawrenson’s predictions is comparing them with the actual results. The 2015-16 season provided plenty of surprises, with Leicester City’s fairytale run to the title being the standout story. But how did Lawrenson’s predictions stack up against the reality?

Throughout the season, Lawrenson’s predictions were compared with the actual Premier League table. This comparison provided a unique perspective on the season, highlighting the unpredictability of football and the challenges of making accurate predictions.

Matchday by Matchday Predictions

Lawrenson’s predictions were not just a one-off pre-season forecast. They were a constant feature throughout the 2015-16 season, with Lawrenson providing his thoughts and predictions for each matchday. This allowed fans to follow along with his predictions, adding an extra layer of intrigue to each round of fixtures.

Whether you agreed with his predictions or not, there’s no denying that Lawrenson’s insights added to the excitement of the Premier League season. His predictions sparked debate among fans and provided a unique perspective on the unfolding drama of the 2015-16 season.

So, whether you’re a casual fan or a football fanatic, Mark Lawrenson’s Premier League predictions for the 2015-16 season are a fascinating read. They provide a unique insight into one of the most unpredictable seasons in Premier League history, and serve as a reminder of the beauty and unpredictability of the beautiful game.