Mark Lawrenson’s Predictions 2018-19

Welcome to the Mark Lawrenson’s Predictions for the 2018-19 season! If you’re a football enthusiast who loves to delve into the nitty-gritty of the game, you’re in the right place. Our beloved ‘Lawro’, a football pundit with a knack for making uncannily accurate predictions, has once again put on his thinking cap for the 2018-19 season. From the Premier League’s nail-biting matches to the Champions League’s heart-stopping showdowns, Lawrenson has left no stone unturned. Will his predictions ring true or will the unpredictable nature of football prove him wrong? This page is your one-stop destination for all of Lawro’s forecasts, filled with his insightful analysis and unique perspective. So, buckle up, football fans! It’s time to dive into the rollercoaster ride of the 2018-19 season through the eyes of Mark Lawrenson. Let’s see if your predictions align with his or if you’re ready to challenge the master himself!

The 2018-19 Premier League Table, according to all of Mark Lawrenson's predictions for the season so farThe Final 2018-19 Premier League Table for comparision purposes
Lawrenson's Predictions MD 38Final Premier League Table
1Manchester City38851061Manchester City 387298
2Liverpool3857922Liverpool 386797
3Manchester United3849903Chelsea 382472
4Tottenham Hotspur3834804Tottenham Hotspur 382871
5Chelsea3830765Arsenal 382270
6Arsenal3821676Manchester United 381166
7Leicester City3814667Wolverhampton Wanderers 38157
8Everton3810638Everton 38854
9Wolverhampton Wanderers38-6519Leicester City 38352
10Burnley38-75010West Ham United 38-352
11Newcastle United38-64911Watford 38-750
12West Ham United38-163912Crystal Palace 38-249
13Watford38-193913Newcastle United 38-645
14AFC Bournemouth38-203714AFC Bournemouth 38-1445
15Southampton38-283715Burnley 38-2340
16Crystal Palace38-203616Southampton 38-2039
17Fulham38-373217Brighton & Hove Albion 38-2536
18Brighton & Hove Albion38-323018Cardiff City (R)38-3534
19Cardiff City38-501619Fulham (R) 38-4726
20Huddersfield Town38-591520Huddersfield Town (R) 38-5415
Mark Lawrenson's Perfect Score
Mark Lawrenson's Correct Result
Mark Lawrenson's Wrong Prediction
Matchday 36 (23/04/19)ResultMatchday 37 (03/05/19)ResultMatchday 38 (12/05/19)Result
Tottenham Hotspur 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion1-0Everton 2-0 Burnley2-0Brighton & Hove Albion 0-3 Manchester City1-4
Watford 1-1 Southampton1-1AFC Bournemouth 1-2 Tottenham Hotspur1-0Burnley 1-1 Arsenal1-3
Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-0 Arsenal3-1West Ham United 2-0 Southampton3-0Crystal Palace 2-1 AFC Bournemouth5-3
Manchester United 0-2 Manchester City0-2Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-0 Fulham1-0Fulham 1-2 Newcastle United0-4
Liverpool 4-0 Huddersfield Town (26.04.19)5-0Cardiff City 1-1 Crystal Palace2-3Leicester City 2-0 Chelsea0-0
Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 West Ham United0-1Newcastle United 0-2 Liverpool2-3Liverpool 2-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers2-0
Crystal Palace 1-2 Everton0-0Chelsea 2-1 Watford3-0Manchester United 2-0 Cardiff City0-2
Fulham 2-1 Cardiff City1-0Huddersfield Town 0-2 Manchester United1-1Southampton 2-0 Huddersfield Town1-1
Southampton 2-0 AFC Bournemouth3-3Arsenal 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion1-1Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 Everton2-2
Watford 0-2 Wolverhampton Wanderers1-2Manchester City 2-0 Leicester City1-0Watford 1-1 West Ham United1-4
Brighton & Hove Albion 1-0 Newcastle United1-11 Correct Score, 5 Correct Results, 4 Wrong1 Correct Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
Leicester City 1-1 Arsenal3-041 Correct Scores, 159 Correct Results, 170 Wrong42 Correct Scores, 162 Correct Results, 176 Wrong
Burnley 0-2 Manchester City0-1
Manchester United 1-1 Chelsea1-1
3 Correct Scores, 6 Correct Results, 5 Wrong
40 Correct Scores, 154 Correct Results, 166 Wrong
Matchday 33 (05/04/19)ResultMatchday 34 (12/04/19)ResultMatchday 35 (20/03/19)Result
Southampton 0-2 Liverpool1-3Leicester City 2-0 Newcastle United0-1Manchester City 2-0 Tottenham Hotspur1-0
AFC Bournemouth 1-1 Burnley1-3Tottenham Hotspur 3-0 Huddersfield Town4-0AFC Bournemouth 3-0 Fulham0-1
Huddersfield Town 0-2 Leicester City1-4Brighton & Hove Albion 2-0 AFC Bournemouth0-5Huddersfield Town 1-1 Watford1-2
Newcastle United 2-1 Crystal Palace0-1Burnley 2-0 Cardiff City2-0West Ham United 2-1 Leicester City2-2
Everton 2-1 Arsenal1-0Fulham 0-2 Everton2-0Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion0-0
Chelsea 2-0 West Ham United2-0Southampton 1-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers3-1Newcastle United 2-1 Southampton3-1
1 Correct Score, 3 Correct Result, 2 WrongManchester United 2-0 West Ham United2-1Everton 0-2 Manchester United4-0
34 Correct Scores, 141 Correct Results, 150 WrongCrystal Palace 0-3 Manchester City1-3Arsenal 2-0 Crystal Palace2-3
Liverpool 2-0 Chelsea2-0Cardiff City 0-2 Liverpool0-2
Watford 1-2 Arsenal0-1Chelsea 2-0 Burnley2-2
Brighton & Hove Albion 0-0 Cardiff City*0-21 Correct Score, 2 Correct Results, 7 Wrong
2 Correct Scores, 5 Correct Results, 4 Wrong37 Correct Scores, 148 Correct Results, 161 Wrong
36 Correct Scores, 146 Correct Results, 154 Wrong *Default Prediction
Matchday 31 (16/03/19)Matchday 32 (30/03/19)Re-Arranged Matches (02/04/19)
AFC Bournemouth 2-0 Newcastle United2-2Fulham 0-3 Manchester City0-2Watford 2-0 Fulham4-1
Burnley 1-1 Leicester City1-2Brighton & Hove Albion 2-1 Southampton0-1Wolverhampton Wanderers 0-2 Manchester United2-1
West Ham United 2-0 Huddersfield Town4-3Burnley 2-1 Wolverhampton Wanderers2-0Chelsea 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion3-0
Fulham 0-2 Liverpool1-2Crystal Palace 2-0 Huddersfield Town2-0Manchester City 4-0 Cardiff City2-0
Everton 1-1 Chelsea2-0Leicester City 2-1 AFC Bournemouth2-0Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 Crystal Palace2-0
0 Correct Scores, 2 Correct Results, 3 WrongManchester United 2-0 Watford2-10 Correct Scores, 4 Correct Result, 1 Wrong
30 Correct Scores, 129 Correct Results, 145 WrongWest Ham United 1-1 Everton0-233 Correct Scores, 138 Correct Results, 148 Wrong
Cardiff City 0-2 Chelsea1-2
Liverpool 2-1 Tottenham Hotspur2-1
Arsenal 2-0 Newcastle United2-0
2 Correct Scores, 5 Correct Results, 2 Wrong
33 Correct Scores, 134 Correct Results, 147 Wrong
Matchday 28 (26/02/19)Matchday 29 (02/03/19)Matchday 30 (09/03/19)Result
Cardiff City 1-2 Everton0-3Tottenham Hotspur 1-1 Arsenal1-1Crystal Palace 1-1 Brighton & Hove Albion1-2
Huddersfield Town 0-2 Wolverhampton Wanderers1-0AFC Bournemouth 0-3 Manchester City0-1Cardiff City 0-2 West Ham United2-0
Leicester City 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion2-1Brighton & Hove Albion 2-0 Huddersfield Town1-0Huddersfield Town 1-1 AFC Bournemouth0-2
Newcastle United 1-1 Burnley2-0Burnley 2-1 Crystal Palace1-3Leicester City 2-0 Fulham3-1
Arsenal 2-0 AFC Bournemouth5-1Manchester United 2-0 Southampton3-2Newcastle United 1-2 Everton3-2
Southampton 2-1 Fulham2-0Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-1 Cardiff City2-0Southampton 1-2 Tottenham Hotspur2-1
Chelsea 1-1 Tottenham Hotspur2-0West Ham United 0-2 Newcastle United2-0Manchester City 3-0 Watford3-1
Crystal Palace 2-1 Manchester United1-3Watford 0-2 Leicester City2-1Liverpool 2-0 Burnley4-2
Liverpool 2-0 Watford5-0Fulham 0-2 Chelsea1-2Chelsea 2-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers1-1
Manchester City 3-1 West Ham United1-0Everton 1-1 Liverpool0-0Arsenal 1-1 Manchester United2-0
0 Correct Scores, 6 Correct Results, 4 Wrong1 Correct Score, 6 Correct Results, 3 Wrong0 Correct Scores, 3 Correct Results, 7 Wrong
29 Correct Scores, 118 Correct Results, 132 Wrong30 Correct Scores, 124 Correct Results, 135 Wrong30 Correct Scores, 127 Correct Results, 142 Wrong
Matchday 25 (02/02/19)Matchday 26 (06/02/19)Matchday 27 (22/02/19)
Tottenham Hotspur 1-1 Newcastle United1-0Everton 0-0 Manchester City*0-2Cardiff City 1-2 Watford1-5
Brighton & Hove Albion 2-1 Watford0-0Fulham 0-2 Manchester United (09/02/19)0-3West Ham United 2-0 Fulham3-1
Burnley 2-0 Southampton1-1Crystal Palace 1-1 West Ham United1-1Burnley 1-1 Tottenham Hotspur2-1
Chelsea 2-0 Huddersfield Town5-0Huddersfield Town 0-2 Arsenal1-2AFC Bournemouth 1-2 Wolverhampton Wanderers1-1
Crystal Palace 1-1 Fulham2-0Liverpool 3-0 AFC Bournemouth3-0Newcastle United 2-0 Huddersfield Town2-0
Everton 2-1 Wolverhampton Wanderers1-3Southampton 2-1 Cardiff City1-2Leicester City 2-0 Crystal Palace1-4
Cardiff City 0-2 AFC Bournemouth2-0Watford 2-0 Everton1-0Arsenal 2-0 Southampton2-0
Leicester City 2-1 Manchester United0-1Brighton & Hove Albion 0-1 Burnley1-3Manchester United 1-1 Liverpool0-0
Manchester City 2-0 Arsenal3-1Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 Leicester City3-12 Correct Scores, 3 Correct Results, 3 Wrong
West Ham United 0-2 Liverpool1-1Manchester City 2-1 Chelsea6-029 Correct Scores, 112 Correct Results, 128 Wrong
0 Correct Scores, 2 Correct Results, 8 WrongWolverhampton Wanderers 2-1 Newcastle United1-1*Default Prediction
25 Correct Scores, 103 Correct Results, 122 Wrong2 Correct Scores, 6 Correct Results, 3 Wrong
27 Correct Scores, 109 Correct Results, 125 Wrong
Matchday 22 (12/01/19)Matchday 23 (19/01/19)Matchday 24 (29/01/19)
West Ham United 1-2 Arsenal1-0Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-0 Leicester City4-3Arsenal 2-0 Cardiff City2-1
Brighton & Hove Albion 1-1 Liverpool0-1AFC Bournemouth 2-1 West Ham United2-0Fulham 1-1 Brighton Hove Albion4-2
Burnley 2-0 Fulham2-1Liverpool 2-0 Crystal Palace4-3Huddersfield Town 2-1 Everton0-1
Cardiff City 2-0 Huddersfield Town0-0Manchester United 3-0 Brighton & Hove Albion2-1Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-0 West Ham United3-0
Crystal Palace 1-2 Watford1-2Newcastle United 2-0 Cardiff City3-0Manchester United 2-0 Burnley2-2
Leicester City 2-0 Southampton1-2Southampton 1-1 Everton2-1Newcastle United 0-2 Manchester City2-1
Chelsea 2-0 Newcastle United2-1Watford 0-1 Burnley0-0AFC Bournemouth 1-2 Chelsea4-0
Everton 2-1 AFC Bournemouth2-0Arsenal 2-1 Chelsea2-0Southampton 2-1 Crystal Palace1-1
Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 Manchester United0-1Huddersfield Town 0-2 Manchester City0-3Liverpool 2-0 Leicester City1-1
Manchester City 3-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers3-0Fulham 0-2 Tottenham Hotspur1-2Tottenham Hotspur 1-1 Watford2-1
2 Correct Scores, 3 Correct Results, 5 Wrong0 Correct Scores, 8 Correct Results, 2 Wrong0 Correct Scores, 2 Correct Results, 8 Wrong
25 Correct Scores, 91 Correct Results, 104 Wrong25 Correct Scores, 99 Correct Results, 106 Wrong25 Correct Scores, 101 Correct Results, 114 Wrong
Matchday 19 (26/12/18)Matchday 20 (29/12/18)Matchday 21 (01/01/19)
Fulham 2-1 Wolverhampton Wanderers1-1Brighton & Hove Albion 1-2 Everton1-0Everton 2-0 Leicester City0-1
Burnley 2-1 Everton1-5Fulham 2-0 Huddersfield Town1-0Arsenal 2-0 Fulham4-1
Crystal Palace 2-0 Cardiff City0-0Leicester City 2-0 Cardiff City0-1Cardiff City 0-2 Tottenham Hotspur0-3
Leicester City 0-2 Manchester City2-1Tottenham Hotspur 2-0 Wolverhampton W1-3AFC Bournemouth 1-1 Watford3-3
Liverpool 2-0 Newcastle United4-0Watford 2-1 Newcastle United1-1Chelsea 2-0 Southampton0-0
Manchester United 3-0 Huddersfield Town3-1Liverpool 2-0 Arsenal5-1Huddersfield Town 1-1 Burnley1-2
Tottenham Hotspur 2-0 AFC Bournemouth5-0Crystal Palace 0-2 Chelsea0-1West Ham United 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion2-2
Brighton & Hove Albion 1-1 Arsenal1-1Burnley 2-0 West Ham United2-0Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-0 Crystal Palace0-2
Watford 1-2 Chelsea1-2Southampton 0-3 Manchester City1-3Newcastle United 0-2 Manchester United0-2
Southampton 2-0 West Ham United1-2Manchester United 2-0 AFC Bournemouth4-1Manchester City 1-1 Liverpool2-1
2 Correct Score, 3 Correct Results, 5 Wrong1 Correct Score, 5 Correct Results, 4 Wrong1 Correct Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
21 Correct Scores, 80 Correct Results, 89 Wrong22 Correct Scores, 85 Correct Results, 93 Wrong23 Correct Scores, 88 Correct Results, 99 Wrong
Matchday 16 (08/12/18)Matchday 17 (15/12/18)Matchday 18 (21/12/18)
AFC Bournemouth 0-2 Liverpool0-4Manchester City 2-0 Everton3-1Wolverhampton Wanderers 1-2 Liverpool0-2
Arsenal 3-0 Huddersfield Town1-0Crystal Palace 1-1 Leicester City1-0Arsenal 2-0 Burnley3-1
Burnley 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion1-0Huddersfield Town 0-2 Newcastle United0-1AFC Bournemouth 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion2-0
Cardiff City 2-1 Southampton1-0Tottenham Hotspur 2-0 Burnley1-0Chelsea 2-0 Leicester City0-1
Manchester United 2-0 Fulham4-1Watford 2-0 Cardiff City3-2Huddersfield Town 1-1 Southampton1-3
West Ham United 2-0 Crystal Palace3-2Wolverhampton Wand 2-1 AFC Bournemouth2-0Manchester City 3-0 Crystal Palace2-3
Chelsea 0-2 Manchester City2-0Fulham 2-1 West Ham United0-2Newcastle United 2-0 Fulham0-0
Leicester City 0-2 Tottenham Hotspur0-2Brighton & Hove Albion 0-2 Chelsea1-2West Ham United 0-2 Watford0-2
Newcastle United 1-1 Wolverhampton W1-2Southampton 0-1 Arsenal3-2Cardiff City 0-2 Manchester United1-5
Everton 2-0 Watford2-2Liverpool 1-1 Manchester United3-1Everton 1-1 Tottenham Hotspur2-6
1 Correct Score, 6 Correct Results, 3 Wrong0 Correct Scores, 6 Correct Results, 4 Wrong2 Correct Scores, 3 Correct Result, 5 Wrong
17 Correct Scores, 68 Correct Results, 75 Wrong17 Correct Scores, 74 Correct Results, 79 Wrong19 Correct Scores, 77 Correct Results, 84 Wrong
Matchday 13 (24/11/18)Matchday 14 (30/11/18)Matchday 15 (04/12/18)
Brighton & Hove Albion 1-2 Leicester City1-1Cardiff City 1-1 Wolverhampton Wanderers2-1AFC Bournemouth 2-0 Huddersfield Town2-1
Everton 2-0 Cardiff City1-0Crystal Palace 1-0 Burnley2-0Brighton & Hove Albion 1-1 Crystal Palace3-1
Fulham 2-1 Southampton3-2Huddersfield Town 1-0 Brighton & Hove Albion1-2West Ham United 2-0 Cardiff City3-1
Manchester United 2-0 Crystal Palace0-0Leicester City 2-0 Watford2-0Watford 0-2 Manchester City1-2
Watford 1-1 Liverpool0-3Manchester City 3-0 AFC Bournemouth3-1Burnley 0-2 Liverpool1-3
West Ham United 0-2 Manchester City0-4Newcastle United 2-0 West Ham United0-3Everton 2-0 Newcastle United1-1
Tottenham Hotspur 2-0 Chelsea3-1Southampton 0-2 Manchester United2-2Fulham 1-1 Leicester City1-1
AFC Bournemouth 2-1 Arsenal1-2Chelsea 2-0 Fulham2-0Wolverhampton Wanderers 1-2 Chelsea2-1
Wolverhampton W 2-0 Huddersfield Town0-2Arsenal 1-2 Tottenham Hotspur4-2Manchester United 2-1 Arsenal2-2
Burnley 1-1 Newcastle United1-2Liverpool 2-0 Everton1-0Tottenham Hotspur 3-0 Southampton3-1
0 Correct Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong2 Correct Scores, 3 Correct Results, 5 Wrong1 Correct Score, 5 Correct Results, 4 Wrong
13 Correct Scores, 54 Correct Results, 63 Wrong15 Correct Scores, 57 Correct Results, 68 Wrong16 Correct Scores, 62 Correct Results, 72 Wrong
Matchday 10 (27/10/18)Matchday 11 (03/11/18)Matchday 12 (10/11/18)
Brighton & Hove Albion 1-1 Wolverhampton W1-0AFC Bournemouth 0-2 Manchester United1-2Cardiff City 1-0 Brighton & Hove Albion2-1
Fulham 2-0 AFC Bournemouth0-3Cardiff City 0-2 Leicester City0-1Huddersfield Town 1-1 West Ham United1-1
Liverpool 2-0 Cardiff City4-1Everton 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion3-1Leicester City 2-1 Burnley0-0
Southampton 0-2 Newcastle United0-0Newcastle United 2-0 Watford1-0Newcastle United 2-0 AFC Bournemouth2-1
Watford 2-0 Huddersfield Town3-0West Ham United 2-0 Burnley4-2Southampton 2-0 Watford1-1
Leicester City 2-0 West Ham United1-1Arsenal 1-2 Liverpool1-1Crystal Palace 1-1 Tottenham Hotspur0-1
Burnley 1-1 Chelsea0-4Wolverhampton W 0-2 Tottenham Hotspur2-3Liverpool 3-0 Fulham2-0
Crystal Palace 1-1 Arsenal2-2Manchester City 3-0 Southampton6-1Chelsea 2-0 Everton0-0
Manchester United 2-0 Everton2-1Chelsea 2-0 Crystal Palace3-1Arsenal 2-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers1-1
Tottenham Hotspur 0-2 Manchester City0-1Huddersfield Town 2-1 Fulham1-0Manchester City 1-1 Manchester United3-1
0 Correct Scores, 5 Correct Results, 5 Wrong0 Correct Scores, 9 Correct Results, 1 Wrong1 Correct Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
12 Correct Scores, 38 Correct Results, 50 Wrong12 Correct Scores, 47 Correct Results, 51 Wrong13 Correct Scores, 50 Correct Results, 57 Wrong
Matchday 7 (29/09/18)Matchday 8 (05/10/18)Matchday 9 (20/10/18)
West Ham United 0-2 Manchester United3-1Brighton & Hove Albion 2-1 West Ham United1-0Chelsea 1-1 Manchester United2-2
Arsenal 2-0 Watford2-0Burnley 2-1 Huddersfield Town1-1AFC Bournemouth 2-1 Southampton0-0
Everton 2-0 Fulham3-0Crystal Palace 2-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers0-1Cardiff City 1-2 Fulham4-2
Huddersfield Town 0-2 Tottenham Hotspur0-2Leicester City 2-1 Everton1-2Manchester City 3-0 Burnley5-0
Manchester City 3-0 Brighton & Hove Albion2-0Tottenham Hotspur 3-0 Cardiff City1-0Newcastle United 2-0 Brighton & Hove Albion0-1
Newcastle United 0-2 Leicester City0-2Watford 2-1 AFC Bournemouth0-4West Ham United 1-1 Tottenham Hotspur0-1
Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-0 Southampton2-0Manchester United 2-0 Newcastle United3-2Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-0 Watford0-2
Chelsea 1-1 Liverpool1-1Fulham 1-1 Arsenal1-5Huddersfield Town 0-2 Liverpool0-1
Cardiff City 1-1 Burnley1-2Southampton 2-1 Chelsea0-3Everton 2-0 Crystal Palace2-0
AFC Bournemouth 2-1 Crystal Palace2-1Liverpool 1-1 Manchester City0-0Arsenal 2-0 Leicester City3-1
6 Correct Score, 2 Correct Results, 2 Wrong0 Correct Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong1 Correct Score, 4 Correct Results, 5 Wrong
11 Correct Scores, 25 Correct Results, 34 Wrong11 Correct Scores, 29 Correct Results, 40 Wrong12 Correct Scores, 33 Correct Results, 45 Wrong
Matchday 4 (01/09/18)ResultMatchday 5 (15/09/18)Matchday 6 (22/09/18)
Leicester City 1-1 Liverpool1-2Tottenham Hotspur 1-1 Liverpool1-2Fulham 2-1 Watford1-1
Brighton & Hove Albion 2-1 Fulham2-2AFC Bournemouth 1-1 Leicester City4-2Burnley 1-1 AFC Bournemouth4-0
Chelsea 2-1 AFC Bournemouth2-0Chelsea 3-0 Cardiff City4-1Cardiff City 0-2 Manchester City0-5
Crystal Palace 2-0 Southampton0-2Huddersfield Town 1-2 Crystal Palace0-1Crystal Palace 2-1 Newcastle United0-0
Everton 2-0 Huddersfield Town1-1Manchester City 3-0 Fulham3-0Leicester City 2-0 Huddersfield Town3-1
West Ham United 2-0 Wolverhampton Wand0-1Newcastle United 2-1 Arsenal1-2Liverpool 3-0 Southampton3-0
Manchester City 3-0 Newcastle United2-1Watford 0-2 Manchester United1-2Manchester United 2-0 Wolverhampton W1-1
Cardiff City 0-2 Arsenal2-3Wolverhampton Wanderers 0-2 Burnley1-0Brighton & Hove Albion 1-1 Tottenham Hotspur1-2
Burnley 0-2 Manchester United0-2Everton 2-1 West Ham United1-3West Ham United 2-1 Chelsea0-0
Watford 1-2 Tottenham Hotspur2-1Southampton 1-1 Brighton & Hove Albion2-2Arsenal 2-0 Everton2-0
1 Correct Score, 3 Correct Results, 6 Wrong1 Correct Score, 4 Correct Results, 5 Wrong2 Correct Scores, 2 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
2 Correct Scores, 17 Correct Results, 21 Wrong3 Correct Scores, 21 Correct Results, 26 Wrong5 Correct Scores, 23 Correct Results, 32 Wrong
Matchday 1 (10/08/18)ResultMatchday 2 (18/08/18)Matchday 3 (25/08/18)
Manchester United 1-0 Leicester City2-1Cardiff City 1-1 Newcastle United0-0Wolverhampton Wanderers 0-3 Manchester City1-1
Newcastle United 1-1 Tottenham Hotspur1-2Everton 2-0 Southampton2-1Arsenal 2-0 West Ham United3-1
AFC Bournemouth 1-1 Cardiff City2-0Leicester City 2-1 Wolverhampton Wanderers2-0AFC Bournemouth 2-1 Everton2-2
Fulham 2-1 Crystal Palace0-2Tottenham Hotspur 2-0 Fulham3-1Huddersfield Town 1-1 Cardiff City0-0
Huddersfield Town 0-2 Chelsea0-3West Ham United 1-1 AFC Bournemouth1-2Southampton 2-1 Leicester City1-2
Watford 1-0 Brighton & Hove Albion2-0Chelsea 2-0 Arsenal3-2Liverpool 3-0 Brighton & Hove Albion1-0
Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-1 Everton2-2Burnley 1-0 Watford1-3Watford 1-0 Crystal Palace2-1
Liverpool 2-0 West Ham United4-0Manchester City 3-0 Huddersfield Town6-1Fulham 1-1 Burnley4-2
Southampton 2-1 Burnley0-0Brighton & Hove Albion 1-2 Manchester United3-2Newcastle United 1-1 Chelsea1-2
Arsenal 0-2 Manchester City0-2Crystal Palace 1-1 Liverpool0-2Manchester United 2-1 Tottenham Hotspur0-3
1 Correct Score, 4 Correct Results, 5 Wrong0 Correct Scores, 6 Correct Results, 4 Wrong0 Correct Scores, 4 Correct Results, 6 Wrong
1 Correct Score, 10 Correct Results, 9 Wrong1 Correct Score, 14 Correct Results, 15 Wrong
1Manchester City33333331333133333333133331333333333333106
3Manchester United3333333313313333133330330310313333013390
4Tottenham Hotspur1303113310313333313333311311130330333380
7Leicester City0301133303333310100303003033331333010366
9Wolverhampton Wanderers3000003031003101300030330333300003333051
11Newcastle United1110300033331301330000301031300030300349
12West Ham United0103030010310033000030000130033100303139
14AFC Bournemouth1130113030003030030010303000013010300037
16Crystal Palace0103330301010310103000001103013000001336
18Brighton & Hove Albion0003110301000010001001013003130310030030
19Cardiff City1110001000030103000003000000000001001016
20Huddersfield Town0010000000310300010010030000010000100015

Mark Lawrenson’s Premier League Predictions for 2018-19

Football fans, gather round! We’re diving into the world of predictions, speculations, and football wizardry with none other than the BBC’s Mark Lawrenson. Known for his insightful and often uncanny Premier League predictions, Lawro’s 2018-19 season forecast is a treasure trove of football knowledge and foresight.

Lawro’s predictions are not just about guessing the winners and losers. They’re about understanding the dynamics of the game, the strengths and weaknesses of each team, and the unpredictable factors that can turn a match on its head. So, let’s delve into Lawro’s Premier League Points Predictions for the 2018-19 season and see how they stack up against the actual outcomes.

Lawro’s Predictions vs. Reality

One of the most exciting aspects of Lawro’s predictions is comparing them to the actual Premier League table. It’s a thrilling exercise that reveals the accuracy of his predictions and gives us a chance to marvel at the unpredictability of football. Remember, these predictions are made before the season kicks off, making them a testament to Lawro’s deep understanding of the game.

While we can’t display the tables here, we encourage you to check out the Premier League table according to Lawro’s predictions and the actual table for the 2018-19 season. You’ll find some surprising similarities and some equally surprising differences. It’s a fascinating exploration that every football enthusiast will enjoy.

Exploring Lawro’s Predictions

Lawro’s predictions are not just about the final standings. They’re about the journey of each team throughout the season. They offer insights into the ups and downs, the triumphs and disappointments, and the key turning points that define a season.

So, whether you’re a casual fan or a football fanatic, we invite you to delve into Lawro’s Premier League Predictions for the 2018-19 season. It’s a journey through a season of football, filled with anticipation, excitement, and the sheer unpredictability that makes this game so captivating.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Mark Lawrenson’s predictions and experience the 2018-19 Premier League season from a whole new perspective!